Chapter 14: The Fall

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2 Days Has Passed Since The Date with Ruby And Jaune. They Agreed to Keep quiet about What Happen but Did have to explain to Yang about Ruby New Ring as she said it was a Gift From Jaune For her Birthday which in turn made Yang Tease Ruby about it and Mordred Yelling At Ruby For Trying to Seduce Her King. Ruby Was Too Embarrassed to sit Next To Jaune for the pass day as She always remember The Kiss and tries to hide the Blush, Jaune Understood as he too felt embarrassed. So... Nora and Pyrrha faced off with their Match with another team as they won as Pyrrha is now heading to the Finals, They were confused on why Jaune didn't want to fight but agreed as Nora took his Place to fight with Pyrrha while Jaune Went to Continue making Ruby Ring.

Mordred Knew something was up with Ruby and Jaune as Ruby Cheeks turns red whenever she looks at Jaune so Mordred had to keep an eye on her just in case. Eventually A Match With Yang And Weiss going against some Team From Atlas which was some Trumpet guy and a Rainbow Skittle Girl, It was a good match to watch but in the end As Expected, Yang And Weiss Won.

Nothing Too Interesting was Happening that was Worth Noting as Another Day As Pyrrha was called Up To Ozpin Office for some reason meanwhile It Became Yang Match Against Mercury Black as Jaune Asked Mordred to watch the Match with him carefully. She knew that something was off with Mercury, Emerald and Cinder that she wanted to just beat them up and find out their Plan so she can Help Jaune and his Suspension but couldn't since they will only make her and Jaune Look like the bad guys. 

Both brawlers face the crowds one last time, then slowly start advancing on each other, arms raised defensively until their hands can almost touch, as the final countdown commences.

Port: Three! Two! One! Fight!

Immediately, Yang throws a punch, and Mercury spins his foot to meet it, creating a shockwave between the Weapons that launches him back. He closes the distance quickly and aims at her feet, but she leaps over it and fires off a shot of her Shotgun Gauntlets that he rotates to avoid. They fight fist-to-fist for a moment, Yang getting in a fiery blast on her opponent at the cost of him also landing a blow on her. She falls back on her feet when Mercury shoots himself into the air to get farther away from her, looking up and smiling.

Yang doesn't relent for a second, launching shot after shot only for Mercury to dodge each of them, sliding around the stage on clouds of air until he attempts to come down on her with his leg. She blocks and pushes away the attack, but he goes under her shotgun burst and manages to land a kick on her, though she still lands in a crouch, now grimacing. She launches forward with a double blast and continues landing blow after blazing blow on him, right up to when he roundhouse kicks her in the back and attempts to hit her with his heel. She gets out just in time and punches he ground trying to get him, but he leaps out and twirls to get a hit on her. One of his kicks seems to pass over her, but then he brings it down hard enough to shatter the steel underneath, which Yang narrowly rolls backward to avoid.

They exchange kicks after this attack until Mercury hits her backwards, and he rushes forward only to receive a fist to his chin, then his torso, knocking him on his stomach. He gets up right as Yang starts raining down fire again, causing him to somersault back until one explosion causes him to get knocked off of the stage. He saves himself by firing his boots downward and flying back in front of his enemy, unleashing a series of kicks that put Yang on the defensive. She ducks under one attack only to receive another as Mercury jumps into the air to knock her back, and he follows it up with a shot from his boots. Yang avoids it effortlessly, not noticing it still hanging around behind her.

Switching tactics, Mercury starts shooting his foot out in every direction, each kick into the air accompanied by a silvery blast that are barely even aimed at Yang. She dodges each one coming her way and gets in close through the circling barrage of shots, fighting with their fists again until Mercury kicks her into the air and knocks her right back to the ground, followed by the dozens of swirling shots that now converge right on to Yang.

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