Chapter 60: Weeping Women Trouble.

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Whitley had go on quite the rant about all the details that will be needed for Jaune to not be so clueless on the situation as Jaune paid attention to each detail as he nodded and entered the room which was elegant and intimate space, adorned with muted tones and soft lighting. It features a comfortable bed, a small vanity table, a modest bookshelf, and a cozy armchair. The room exudes a sense of understated beauty and tranquility.

Meanwhile, Willow Schnee finds herself surrounded by a sea of empty alcohol bottles in her room, her weary eyes reflecting the weight of her struggles

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Meanwhile, Willow Schnee finds herself surrounded by a sea of empty alcohol bottles in her room, her weary eyes reflecting the weight of her struggles. The room carries a lingering scent of alcohol, capturing the poignant battle she fights within, visibly intoxicated.

Jaune: Pardon my intrusion, Lady Schnee.

Hearing an unfamiliar voice startles Willow, causing her to look towards the entrance of her room with slight annoyance.

Willow: Seriously? Can't you at least knock before barging in?

Jaune: I did knock several times, but since there was no response, I let myself in. My apologies for the uninvited entrance, Miss.

Willow furrows her brow as she rubs her tired eyes.

Willow: Who are you? What do you want?

Jaune: I'm Jaune Arc, a friend of Weiss.

Willow freezes for a moment, blinking a few times as she finally takes in the sight of the boy before her. His handsome appearance surprises her, but it is the mention of her daughter's name that catches her off guard.

Willow: Weiss... You're a friend of hers?

Jaune nods.

Jaune: Yes, I am. I came here with General Ironwood and Lady Winter to discuss the future of the Schnee Dust Company with Whitley.

Willow nods slightly as she gets up, clutching her glass of alcohol, and walks over to the fireplace, settling herself next to it.

Willow: What brings you here, then? I rarely have visitors aside from maids and my son.

Jaune walks over to her and stands beside the fireplace, both of them gazing at the flickering flames. Jaune turns to Willow.

Jaune: I was asked to assist you.

This confuses her.

Willow: Me...? Who requested it?

Jaune: Your son, Whitley.

She sighs at this.

Willow: I appreciate his concern, but I'm perfectly fine... Since that man was arrested, I've been enjoying myself.

She takes a sip from her drink and sighs.

Jaune: Well, I can't leave until I know I've been of some help, so... why not talk to me?

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