Chapter 58: Frozen Over

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It has been approximately a month from my last chapter, right? Yes, I believe so. Well, I am back after working on a few side stories to help boost my inspiration, and it truly did. I feel that my writing skills and vocabulary have improved during this time thanks to those short stories. Now, without further ado, I present this chapter to you. I appreciate your patience and continued support during my break, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.






A day had passed in Remnant, and it was quite a happy day for many people. The announcement of Jacques Schnee's arrest became public through pictures and videos. The heaters in Mantle unexpectedly shut down as soon as the video was leaked, catching everyone off guard. However, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Robyn, Ironwood, and Jaune, the situation was swiftly addressed and the necessary measures were taken.

The council questioned Ironwood about the decision to arrest Jacques Schnee. After being presented with multiple pieces of evidence brought forth by Jaune, whose source remained confidential, the council eventually agreed with Ironwood. Jaune was also questioned about how he obtained the files, but he only explained that he received a tip about something suspicious happening and conducted his own investigation, leading him to those documents. Ironwood, particularly Robyn, who had recently taken Jacque's place on the council, thanked Jaune for preventing that man from causing further harm.

Meanwhile, Jaune sat down with Clover and Qrow over a cup of coffee to discuss Robyn's recent promotion to the council seat. Mordred, of course, never left Jaune's side, faithfully staying by his side.

Clover: Since it's Robyn we're talking about, I trust her judgment as a council member who genuinely cares about the people of Mantle.

Qrow nodded as he took a sip from his coffee.

Qrow: Yeah, she's really passionate about it. I wonder what sparked her love for Mantle, though. I can only make random guesses based on how she acts around her group, as well as around Jaune and Mordred.

Jaune: Me?

Qrow: Yup, she seems quite fond of you and Mordred compared to everyone else in Atlas. But then again, considering all the things both of you have done not just for Atlas, but for Mantle too...

Jaune chuckled, finding the situation amusing, as he rubbed the back of his head slightly embarrassed.

Jaune: Oh, please... we just did what was necessary to assist them and help the people.

Mordred whispered from the back about how she did it all for her king. Jaune glanced at her, thinking he had heard something, but Mordred didn't seem like she had said anything, maintaining her usual serious expression. Clover then asked Jaune something that caught his attention.

Clover: May I ask you a personal question, Jaune?

Jaune: Go ahead.

Clover: Where did you grow up? I apologize for prying, but your way of speaking is more mature and sophisticated.

Jaune chuckled, clearly amused by the question.

Jaune: I was raised in the Anima region, in a small area to the east, though not close to the City of Mistral. I grew up with a loving family, and then I left for training. Along the way, I traveled and learned, developing and mastering my skills, as well as how to present myself to the general public.

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