Chapter 18: Final Megaforce Battle

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(Meanwhile at Secret Union Headquarters, Hellboy and the others are seen waiting for Sludge and his team to come back, and suddenly a portal opens up, revealing Ben 10 and his team coming out of it. Hellboy and his team stand up and run to hug them. Angela, Phil, She-Ra, Azazel, Nezu and the other Secret Union Heroes smile by seeing the Megaforce reunited at last.)

Angela: (smiles) I'm glad all heroes are reunited together.

Azazel: They're heroes from another world. (chuckles) Teammates to be never left behind.

(Then Ben 10 walks towards Angela and bows in respect.)

Ben 10: Thank you for keeping our friends safe, our highness.

Angela: (bows) It's our honor as well, Mr. Tennyson.

She-Ra: (smiles) Now that we're all reunited, it's time to go back home.

(Suddenly a dark portal opens up, and Scorponok comes out of it along with Bemstar and Cooler.)

Ben 10: (stern) Damn it, Dormammu's minions are here!

Angela/Phil: (shocked) Dormammu? The Chaos Overlord?

Grimlock: And now a Dark Omni-God who seeks to conquer the Omniverse alongside Virgolial. But all of us heroes will stop them.

????: Count us in!

(They turn to see Perfuma, Frosta, Glimmer, Entrapta, Scorpia, Mermista, Spinnerella and Netossa.)

She-Ra: Okay, Princess Alliance. Let's do this!

Ben 10: It's hero time!

Dino Thunder Rangers: Dino Thunder! Power Up!

Grimlock: Let's fusion up, Dinobots!

(Grimlock, Snarl, Swoop, Slug and Sludge combine into Volcanicus, who then slashes through the screen.)

Volcanicus: Dinobot Combiner! Volcanicus!

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Volcanicus: Dinobot Combiner! Volcanicus!

(Ben 10 becomes Way Big while the Dino Thunder Rangers call their zords, and they combine into Valkasaurus Megazord.)

Ben 10 (Way Big): WAY BIG!

Ben 10 (Way Big): WAY BIG!

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