part 3: getting there

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I got to know Will a little bit better, I mean I already knew a lot about him but I got to learn more. Around the halfway point we stopped for the toilet and to get lunch, Will and I got the food from Macdonalds and we waited for the others just outside the mini van, "so when are we going to start practicing the script," Will asked. "I'm not sure but we are sharing a room and we both wake up early so maybe in the mornings?" I suggest and he nodded happily. "Finally you guys took forever," Will called with a laugh seeing the girls run up to us and the boys walking, "hey blame Dylan, he's the one who suggested we should make out for a bit," Kaya said blushing. I just fave plamed 🤦‍♀️ and got in the car with my food and milkshake with Will following me. We sat the food rather quickly as we were all quite hungry and we continued our journey.

We finally arrived and i forgot how beautiful the house and view was, the beach house was at the top of a hill with a few parking spaces and to get to the beach there was a slide to the bottom of the him which will put you to a very small room that is full of towels and what is soon to be our swim suits. in the actual house was three bedrooms with each having a big bed and a small bathroom. With the living room and the kitchen being the same room with a tv.

It was Dylan's job to give the tour and everyone looked amazed. We came to the first bedroom, "This is for the girls," Dylan said and Kaya and Rosa ran in with thier stuff, probably wanting to unpack, we came to the next bedroom. "This is for the us," Dylan said and Ki Hong ran in, before Dylan went in, "are you two sure you are alright with sharing?" We both nodded, i tried to hide my blush as even though i am very obvious about my crush on Will Dylan has no idea about it. I walked Will to our bedroom and this one was my personal favourite as this one has a secret TV if you know how what to do. "Woah," Will said looking around. "Do you want the left side or the right side?" I asked but he was still in awe with the place so i just chose the right side. We were nearly finished unpacking all i had left was to put my books on the one book case, Will came over with his books and as i put my Harry Potter books up he put The Chronicals of Narnia books up, we both looked at the others books and gasped. "Oh my god i love that series," we said at the same time, "You do?" we said in sync again. This ended in us laughing and once we were done we heard a knock on the door. "Come down the slide and get changed!" He heard Kaya yell form the other side of the door, we looked at eachother, smiled and grabbed our swim suits and ran to the group by the slide. "Who wants to go first," Ki Hong asked and I Immediately jumped onto the slide and shot down it with a joyful cheer. I love this holiday so far!

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