part 7 just dance

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I sat on the beach with the burning sun shining, it was only noon and I had been down here for only a few minutes until I heard someone walk towards me and sit next to me. "You okay Y/n?" Will asked. "I'm sorry for running I just didn't really want my frist kiss to be a peer pressured one where everyone is watching," I explain grabbing his hand and placing it in my lap so I can glide my finger over his palm making little shapes. "It's okay I was kinda uncomfortable too, everyone's eyes on us," there was a pause when he suddenly said, "if no one was there I would've kissed you," a small gasp escaped my lips as a blush appeared on my face, does this mean that he actually likes me? "Well, we are alone now," I state and he rubbed his neck and smiled at me. "You want your victory Kiss?" He asked and I nodded. We slowly leaned into eachother so close that I could feel his breath on my neck until "there you two are!" We broke away and saw Chuck, "come on, it's just dance time!" I got up and  smiled. I held out a hand for Will to get up, before we started going back to the house Will quickly pecked my lips, I was stunned and slowly followed the two back to the house trying to hide my flustered self from the others.

We all got back and everyone apologised so it was back on and the original just dance was put in the Wii. Unlike my hidden talent for Wii tennis everyone in the room new that I was amazing at just dance and was unbeatable on the song 'Step by Step' by the beatles. We were doing individual songs to start with and adding all the girls points together and then all the boys points but then we decided to do 1 v 1 on the songs and 'step by step' came on and I immediately stood up. The boys all knew I was amazing at this song and no one stood up at first until Will got up, "I'll give this a go," he said. We got ready and played the song, when playing just dance I get in the zone and only concentrate on the dance moves and my score so I had no idea how well Will was doing until the end.

Player 1: 16, 965
Player 2: 16, 786

I was shocked, he almost beat me, "woah," I smile at him and he smiled back. "Y/n, can I talk to you?" I heard Dylan ask. Oh no, "sure," I put the Wii remote down and he led me to his and Ki Hong's room. "What's up?" I asked. "What's going on with you and Will?" He asked. "I don't really know," I say rubbing my forearm, "I know you don't want to hear this but I really like him, maybe even love him, but I don't know if he feels the same," I confess. He looked at me sadness in his eyes, "why didn't you tell me?" He said. "Because he's your bestfriend, " I explain, "I didn't want to ruin your friendship with him because of my silly crush," I go to leave but he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Y/n, I am literally dating your bestfriend, if anything, I owe you one," we both chuckled and came back into the room where it was Kaya vs Ki Hong with 'If you wanna be my lover' by the spice girls. I sat down next to Will and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, I caught Dylan smiling at us, finally everything was becoming perfect.

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