part 2: packing

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I was packing my things when I got a text from the group chat of all of us six.

Omg I'm so excited

Me too but isn't there only 3 bedrooms

Yeah but me and kaya can share 😉and there can be a boys and girls room

Ki Hong:
No fair it should be Rosa and I 😠

Let's compromise Will and Y/n can have the room so no couples are coupled

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I blushed bright red at the thought of that but the butterflies came when Will responded.

I don't mind if you don't Y/n 🙃

I gasped and pinched myself to make sure this was real then texted back.

Yeah sure I don't mind at all 😊

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----------Will's POV:----------
I was sat hugging my phone excitedly as my mum drove me to Y/n and Dylan's house. "Why are you so happy?" My mum randomly asked and I blushed, "just texting the group," I say and she laughed lightly and stopped. "We are here have fun with the group and mainly Y/n," I looked at her shocked I've never mentioned my crush for Y/n to them. "How did you know?" I asked slightly embarrassed. "It's only the name you call out in your sleep every night," I truned bright red and got out the car with my backpack and suitcase. I walked up and knocked on the door.

----------Y/n's POV:----------
I sat with my suitcase and backpack waiting for Dylan to finish packing when I heard a knock on the door, probably one of the gang already here so I went up to the door and opened it.
"Hey Y/n," he smiled cutely. "Hi Will," I smiled back letting him in. "Where's Dylan?" He asked. "Still packing, he's been up since 6:30," I laugh lightly making Will laugh too. It all went silent for a minute, and Will came up to me and suddenly hugged me, his head in the nape my neck. I quickly hugged back, "what's this for?" I asked, "for everything and nothing," he answered making me blush and hug him tighter. "Hey!" A very loud Dylan came down the stairs with this two suitcases, we broke the hug at the sight of him struggling with his things I just sighed but heard another knock and this time it was the girls. We shared a group hug and started to load all of our things into the mini van my mum bought for holidays and was trusting Dylan to drive. We put all of our suitcases in the back with some room for Ki Hongs and decided that we kept our backpacks because we all had our favourite snacks in there. The seeting arrangement went like this, boys in the front girls in the middle and Will and I at the back (another one of Kaya's 'compromises'). Finally Ki Hong arrived and we could start the 3 hour journey to the beach house.

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