part 9 confession

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The afternoon was filled with Chuck playing boom blocks with Ki hong and Rosa, Dylan and Kaya were making cupcakes and Will and I were sat in our rooms reading. After Chuck left Ki Hong decided that we needed to party so Dylan put up the disco lights and we all started to dance to music.

I was dancing with Kaya and Rosa, "are you going to tell him?" Rosa asked. "What as in... now?" Kaya wrapped an arm around me, "Not about the feeling thing just for a dance," I looked at both of them shocked, just then a slow song started to play and Dlyan came over. "May I have this dance?" Kaya nodded and moved away from us as the two held each other rocking back and fourth. "You going to ask me?" Rosa inquired to Ki Hong he nodded and took her hand to do the same. I stood there awkwardly alone until Will walked up to me. "Hey would you maybe want to... dance with me," I smiled and nodded blushing. I placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his on my waist as we began swaying. "Are we doing this right?" I asked and we both chuckled, "no idea, but I like it," he responded. "I do too," I looked into his eyes as he looked in mine, my hands had moved to the back of his neck and he had wrapped his arms around my waist so we were closer and I couldn't escape (it's not like I wanted to) "hey Y/n, can I ask you something?" He asked. "Yeah, sure," I responded hope fulling my chest. "Would you want to be-" Will was cut off by a now very dizzy Ki Hong. "Noooooo, Rosa I am not sleepy," he whined loudly as Rosa pushed him out of the room. "Never mind," Will said looking down. "No please," I say lifting his chin with my hand, "what were you going to say?" He moved away from me and ran his hands through his hair groaning, "urgh, why is it so hard to say?" He said more to himself. "Hey, If it's too much right now you don't have to say, we can just keep enjoying what we were doing," I say grabbing his hands and looking up at him. "No, I need to say this," He took a breath and he looked into my eyes, "I Like you Y/n, I really like you, " My eyes grew wide and I started to beam of excitment. "You do?" I asked making sure I wasn't dreaming. He nodded, "do you... feel the same?" He asked and I laugh lightly, "Yes, I really like you too," He smiled overjoyed. "Um, what do we do now?" Will asked and I wasn't sure. "Kiss her," Kaya said dragging Dylan to his room and then joined Rosa in their room. I felt a hand cup my cheek and I found Will's eyes linking to mine, my hands glided up to his shoulders and we were leaning in until there was a few loud BANGs on the front door, making us both jump back and the rest of the group waking up and going to the door. Ki Hong answered it and it wasn't anyone but a letter on the door mat, "Y/n, it's for you," I was given the letter and I saw the pathetic crimpled paper with my name on it, it had been folded more times than nessesary and was squared paper. I knew Jack wrote it so I put it in the recycle bin and just went to mine and Will's shared room.

After a minute or two Will came in, "Hey, I just wanted to make you are you are okay," I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "Can we date?" I asked and he looked at me shocked, "Really?" I nodded again and he smiled and kissed my cheek and sat next to me. I turned to him and gave him a long kiss on the lips, I'm doing it, I am finally kissing him I heard clapping which made us both pull back and look at the door seeing Rosa, "Yeah, get it girl!" I got up and closed the door, "Ooo looks like someone wants privacy," Rosa said and i then heard her footsteps walk away from our door. "Yes, we can date," I turned and saw that will was standing behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and he kissed me passionately. My dream had come true. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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