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The dinner table was set and the twins mum, Simone had prepared a beautiful roast dinner for all of them. She proudly set the meat down on the table as the group walked in from the shed.

Gustav took a deep breath in and happily thanked Simone for the dinner she had prepared. The others also thanked her and all sat down at the table. Angela sat across from her father and next to Tom.

"Sorry Jörg wasn't able to be here, he's out on a work trip at the moment." Simone said as she took her place at the table.

Angela leaned over to Tom and whispered to him asking who he was talking about, turns out it was just his dad.

Food was passed around the table and everyone loaded up their plates and begin to dig into the feast that was prepared.

"So Angela, how are you finding it back here in Germany?" Simone asked still chewing some of her food.

"It's quite nice, less warm then Australia, which I don't mind." Angel a replied.

"Well it's good to see that you guys found each other again! Now you'll be able to see yourselves become young adults and experience new things!" Simone said, grinning happily at the girl.

"Again?" Georg said confused.

"Oh yea we forgot to tell you, turns out we knew Angela when she lived here back when she was young." Bill replied shooting a happy glance over to Angela.

"Oh cool! Must feel a bit weird knowing that especially after Tom-" Gustav was going to say about how he had been flirting with her the whole time she had been with them, but thought Angela's dad may not appreciate hearing that.

"Tom what? Oh let me guess was flirting with her. You know I'm not idiot Gustav." Simone said laughing slightly.

Gustav face went all red embarrassed that he was called out.

"You know Angela your father used to be quite the ladies man back in the day."

"I mean I could see it, My Schneider." Tom said casually. Chris laughed at his response.

"Well I wouldn't say that Simone, I just had a lot of love to give." He said as if he was back as a teen.

Simone scoffed playfully at his response.

The dinner ended late and everyone seemed to had enjoyed themselves. They shared many stories, especially Angela and her father from when they lived in Australia and how it was so much different from Germany. With everything wrapped up the Kaultiz family waved everyone goodbye as they headed off.

Tom and Bill helped clean up the table and do the dishes, but before they could start going upstairs to get ready for bed, their mother stopped them.

"So Tom you have a little thing for Angela I see...." Simone said smiling about how giddy he was around her before.

"What! I do not!" He blurted out.

"Don't kid yourself, I saw that look." Simone responded. Bill just laughed as his brother who became all flustered.

The boys mother wished them goodnight and they got ready for bed.

Tom climbed under his sheets and began to think about Angela, he was for the first time unsure of his feelings. He was know to be quite the womaniser but their was something about that girl that was different. He didn't let his thoughts get to his head and he drifted off to sleep.


The weekend had finally came and for most of Saturday Angela had sat in her room calmly listen to music and doing some homework.

That was until she got a text from a random number. It was Bill. 'What the hell how did he get my number!?' She thought to herself. The text was a simple 'hey'.

She asked how he got her number. Turns out her father happily gave it to him the night previous.

Another text came through, Bill had heard about a house party that was happening that night and decided to ask Angela if she would like to come along with the band as they were all going. Angela hadn't partied in ages and back in Australia it was like she couldn't stop. She happily texted back 'yes! ofc' and put a pause on her homework to find an outfit to wear.

A few hours past by and a knock came from down stairs. Angela rushed down to see who it was and unsurprisingly it was the twins. They decided to come over to get ready for the party with her.

Angela took the pair up to her room, making sure to shut the door behind her as she didn't want her father knowing that was going to be sneaking out.

"Ugh, I don't know what to wear!" Angela cried out. Looking to the boys for help.

"No worries Angela dear I'll find you something." Bill said springing into action. This seemed to be his kinda thing.

Angela sat down on the bed with Tom whilst his brother rummaged around in her closet looking for and outfit that would match the occasion.

"Hey I've got something to ask you?" Tom said.

"Yea what's up?" Angela replied looked at the blonde boy.

"Back in Australia did you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh Tom stop she doesn't have to tell you about her dating history." Bill said flinging around different items of clothing.

"It's okay I don't mind. I actually had quite a few even a couple of girlfriends." She replied in a way happy with herself.

"Girlfriends? That's kinda hot." Tom said fiddling with his lip piercing.

"Ew dude, it's not like I'm going to have a threesome with you or anything." Angela replied slightly disgusted.

"Never say never." Tom responded a cheeky grin on his face.

Angela just rolled her eyes and then directed her attention back to Bill who emerged from her wardrobe with an outfit.

"I've got it!" He said happily handing the clothes to her.

Angela kicked the boys out of her room while she got changed. The outfit was a knee length, long sleeve black dress with quite the cleavage, fishnet stockings and knee high leather boots. She invited the boys back in so that they wouldn't be waiting outside while she did her makeup.

When Bill saw her he gave a little clap and a big smile saying how amazing she looked. Tom on the other hand basically had his jaw on the flaw, but didn't say anything.

"What do u think Tom?" Angela asked almost knowing his response.

"You looking fucking amazing." That grin kept back up onto his face.

Angela's face begin to turn a bit red from his compliment. But she quickly noticed and put any of thoughts and feeling away, trying to keep herself away from him as much as possible.

Tom sat down on the bed as Angela and Bill did their makeup together, gossiping while they did so. Tom seemed to be bored out of his mind and uninterested in whatever they were talking about. Not long later they were finally ready to leave.

The three of them snuck out of the window climbing down a ladder that Angela placed their earlier. They creeped through the backyard and out onto the neighbouring street and begin to run to the party together.

Hii! I hope this chapter was alright, ngl it was a bit rushed as I wanted to get one last chapter out before the end of the day!
- Monica Lee <3

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