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It was the day of the bands first gig. It was at a pub in the city. Everyone was excited however as they arrived the nerves began to build more and more.

They came into the dimly lit establishment. Posted behind the bar were polaroids of other bands that had been there. Some were even pretty famous now.

It was a about an hour before the their set started to they began to set up. Bill looked over to Angela, who was bitting her nails. She was extremely nervous. Usually she was an out going person but she had never performed in front of anyone expect her dad and the band.

Bill walked over to Angela who was practically shaking. He put his arm around her. "Nervous huh? Why don't I get you something to drink so you can focus on that, instead of making your fingers bleed."

Angela looked down at her hands she hadn't even realised the damage she had done. Her eyes shot back up at Bill and she said softly. "That would be great thanks Bill."

Bill pulled her into a hug before he walked off to the bar. The hug did good work at calming her nerves.

Gustav was also quite nervous and Angela went over to talk to him to calm him down. They found comfort in each other. Just listening to someone talk helped him calm down heaps and it took Angela's mind of everything.

"Here you go!" Bill said handing the now more relaxed girl her drink: whiskey on the rocks.


It was time for their performance and to their surprise quite a few people showed up. In the week leading up to the event they had posted a demo of a song and it seemed that some people heard it and decided to come watch.

The group got into position and Bill started by thanking everyone for coming, then introducing the members.

"Hi everyone! Thank you all for coming tonight this is our first gig and we are pretty nervous." He said giving a small laugh at the end, which the crowd matched.

"We are Tokio Hotel! I'm Bill, the vocalist!" The pup erupted in cheers as he called out the other members.

"This here is my twin brother, Tom. Who is one of our lovely guitarists." Bill said as he looked towards his brother then back out to the crowd.

He turned his attention to Gustav and Georg next "This is Gustav, our wonderful drummer! And this here is Georg who plays bass and piano for us!" The two put up their hands as if they were being called for attendance.

Angela knew she was next, the anticipation built inside of her. But she was able to catch a glance at her father and Simone, who gave her a big smile and a thumbs up.

"And finally we have our second guitarist, group darling: Angela!" She gave a small wave to all the people.

The crowd gave off their final cheer before the lights changed and they began playing.

They played really well for their first time. After a while the nerves feel off the band and they became more in tune with one each other. Matching each others energy as well as the crowds.

There were a few hiccups but when they finished the set, they crowd was beaming and cheering on the band. Everyone had the biggest smiles, looking around at each other as if saying 'we did it!'


Once the set finished up the band packed up all their equipment and Chris and Simone came over to give everyone a massive hug.

"You guys did so well!" Simone said as she went to wrap her arms around everyone.

"I'm so proud of you all!" Chris followed.

They all squeezed each other tightly in the hug and all of them were absolutely ecstatic.

After they had packed up all their equipment they were able to take a seat at the bar together and order a few drinks to share with one another.

Even a few people came up and asked for signatures from the members. They also had a bunch of questions like when would they we releasing their first album, if they would ever tour, ect. Some of them even gave their numbers to them, telling them to call them. Even Angela got a girls number.

The night was a hit and they all did a toast on their last round of drinks. 'To an exciting future!' Bill cried out and the group copied as they clashed their glasses.

Angela took a moment to step outside and have a cigarette on a near by bench. Tom ended up following her out. He walked up behind her and put his back on her back had he sat down.

"You did amazing, you should be really proud."He said smiling at her.

Angela returned the smile "You weren't too bad yourself. And now you have fan girls."

"Yeah but I only have eyes for one girl." He said has he put his hand on her cheek.

She shook him off "Hey now don't get to attached, I got someone's number as well."

Tom just laughed it off. Angela followed with a small giggle of her own.

Bill, Gustav and Georg found the two sitting outside and joined them. Bill lighting his own cigarette as they talked.

Angela gazed up at the stars then whipped her attention back to the others. "Hey guys, we should take a photo! You know our first performance is pretty special."

The group agreed and they all huddled around as Angela took out her camera. She took the photo,the flash blinding them slightly. Gustav walked off all dramatically covering his eyes and pretending to wail in pain.

The group laughed at his performance. "Pussy!" Tom called out has he finished up his crying.

It was so nice, Angela thought to herself. She actually had amazing friends, something she never expected to happen when moving here. She noticed that for the first time in a long time she was happy.

Sorry this is a bit shorter of a chapter but I think the simple wholesome ones can be better. But now it's not going to be wholesome for long 😈
Also sorry this took so long ti post, had a long day!
Thanks to you all who have been voting on these posts, I appreciate it a lot! I would love to hear your guys thoughts on everything so far!!
- Monika Lee <3

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