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A/N: Trigger Warning! This character may include content that some viewers may be disturbed by. View discretion advised!

Angela's conscious snapped back for a moment when she heard that. Fear fizzled up her spine but terror paralysed her. She couldn't do anything and her grip on reality was slipping.

The boy walked up to her, a predator like glare reflecting off his eyes. He gripped her throat, spinning her around and slamming her body against the wall. Angela's head rebounding off the plaster and her shoulders shocked with pain.

I'm that moment, her mind wasn't clear. Nothing that her father taught her about self defence kicked in. Only one thing was on her mind; obey and you won't get hurt. So she did just that, survival, the objective.

Her perpetrator firmed his grip on her. The oxygen slowly trickled out of her and she began gasping. He let go and aggressively pulled her towards the bed. As she was forced to sit down he told her 'if you scream, I will slit you throat'.

Angela became even more frightened as he pulled out a knife from his pocket.

A knock on the door. It echoed like a death sentence, the boy was quick. He wrapped him self around Angela covering her mouth and holding the blade to her neck.

The air felt still and like the clock stopped ticking. Until a voice could be heard on the other side.

"Hey Man! Can you open up!" The person said on the other side.

The boy, glared at his pray. "Sorry man can't right now." he yelled back.

Another moment of silence passed and the voice spoke again. "Man you gotta open up or I'm coming in."

Angela in a second of desperation screamed out, the sound muffled by the hand covering her mouth. But the sound must have been loud enough as the door to the room came crashing down. A large man picked himself up from the wreckage and quickly jumped up to trap the boy away from her.

Gina came running in and grabbed Angela, she ran off with her to take her outside of the apartment.

They stopped once they could close the doors behind them. Gina pulled the very distraught girl into a firm hug.

"Are you okay?" She asked frantically.

Angela pulled away and looked down for a moment, tears rolling off her cheeks and her face burned red.

Through her sniffles she looked up at her saviour. "Thank you."

Gina let out a sigh and squeezed her tight again. She ran her fingers through Angela's hair, trying to calm her down as she cried hysterically.

"Don't worry, he's gonna rot in jail." Gina said trying to reassure her.

They slumped onto the floor as Angela continued to cry in he friends arms. She felt stripped of her dignity and all she wanted now was to go home.

Once again Gina pulled away but this time her brows frowed. "Angela."

"Yeah?" She replied waiting for her friends to say something insightful or calming but Gina's eyes changed from confusion to concern.

"Your neck. It's been cut." She drew her hand up to show the blood that had spilt.


Quickly the police arrived at the scene, they arrested Angelas assaulter and rushed her to the hospital.

Once she was there, the doctors were able to determine that no serious damage was done. They concluded that when he guy was tackled, his arm let down, cutting her in the process. The doctors stitch her up and bandaged the wound.

Angela was visited by the police while at the hospital and her as well as Gina we're questioned.

She still hadn't told anyone what had happened and in a sense she didn't want to. What she had been through had traumatised her and she wasn't ready for all the questions. So her and Gina sat in the hospital together until she was ready to be discharged.

The two made their way back to Ginas apartment, she asked Angela if she wanted to stay the night, which she agreed to. She was still high and didn't feel safe anywhere else right now and in her state she didn't want to go back to the hotel and explain everything.

Angela took some of her friends pyjamas and laid down next to Gina who pulled her close, huging her as her tears began to well again.

"Good night Angela, your safe here."


Short chapter! I'm so sorry for not posting, mental health hasn't been great :/

I promise next chapter will be longer. Kinda wanted to get it over and done with yk.

- Monika Lee

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