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The morning light shined through Angela's curtains. Causing her to rub her eyes and wake up.

"Where am I?" She said as she tried to get used to her surroundings.

As soon as she realised her stomach began to turn and she leaped out from her sheets into the bathroom.

After she was done, she had to practically crawl out of the bathroom as her balance hadn't reset. However, as she did so she saw her dad leaning up against the wall: her worst nightmare. He had never caught her going to parties before.

"Morning sunshine, how was your night out?" He asked calmly, patting her sore head.

Angela didn't reply just looked at him with a dead expression. "Next time, tell me okay? Just in case something happens. I don't mind don't worry." Her father said pulling his groggy daughter into a hug.

"thanks dad." Angela whispered under her breath as she couldn't find the strength to say anything else.

He let her go back into her room. Angela practically feel into bed and curled up into a ball, grabbing her phone to bring into her den of sheets.

She saw that she had heaps of messages mostly from Bill. She clicked through to her photos and saw heaps from the night before. Lots were of her and bill dancing, and when they did the shots together as well as one of the whole group together on the dance floor. However one stood out, it was of her and Tom walking and smiling together. She smiled as she looked at the phone.

Angela didn't bother going through Bill messages as they were mostly drunken nonsense. But she send him a text asking how she got home as the last thing she remembered was going out into the backyard. Then she tossed her phone aside as the light was making her pounding headache worse.


A few hours later Angela woke up to a knock on her door. She jolted out of bed and went to answer it, thinking it was just her dad. But to her surprise it was the band.

"Oh hey guys, give me a sec." She said closing the door and rushing to change out of last nights out fit into some comfy pyjamas so that they wouldn't think she hadn't moved since last night.

She welcomed them back in and they all congregated in her room.

"Sorry for the sudden visit but we wanted to check in with you since you haven't returned any of our messages." Gustav started.

"Messages?" Angela said before turning around to grab her phone only to see about a hundred messages from them all.

"Oh shit...I'm sorry." Angela said holding her head looking down at her cell.

"Hey it's alright, let me guess you woke up pretty exhausted?" Bill said patting her on the back.

"Yeah, I was pretty hungover." She said giggling slightly.

"Do you remember much from last night." Georg piped up.

"Honestly no. The last thing I remember was walking into the backyard and that was it."

Tom got a slight grin on his face and threw his arm over the girl's shoulders "Don't worry princesses I got you home safe and sound."

Angela just looked up at him and thanked him, ignoring the 'princess' part.

The group ended up sitting around her room and talking about the night before. Apparently Gustav feel into the pool and Bill had to drag him out and Georg hooked up with the same girl he was talking to when they got there. The band continued to talk until Tom said something.

"So should we ask her?"

"Ask me what." Angela said the comment made her feel a little uneasy.

The group huddled around her and finally Bill spoke up. "We've been talking and we all think you would be a great addition to the band!"

"Wait are you for real!?" Angela said excitement building.

All of them nodded in unison. "So what do u say?" Bill asked.

"A million times yes!" Angela pulled them all in for a group hug. She was so happy, this was the last thing she thought would happen when she moved here.

"Okay then it's settled. We have been able to book a gig at a local pup in a few weeks so we better get practicing!" Bill said standing up and pulling Angela up with him.

In that moment she kinda didn't want to go as her headache was still persistent but she figured she would have to start practicing as soon as possible. So she followed the boys next door, still in her pyjamas, bringing along her guitar.

The group stayed up late into the night working on their songs and sets so much so that Gustav and George ended up crashing in the shed that night.

Angela figured she should get back to her house and get some rest as they did have school in the morning. Tom decided to lead her back to her house, but before they entered they sat out on the curb together to have a cigarette.

"Was I really that crazy at the party last night?" She asked looking over at Tom.

"Yea you were. Do you remember making out with that girl?" He replied.

"Yes and I also remember you storming off when I did. Was someone jealous...?" Angela said teasing him.

"Shut up." He replied simply taking another drag of his cigarette.

"Whatever you say..." She replied laughing at him slightly.

Tom turned to her and seriously he said "You know I think your going to make a great band member."

"Look at you being all serious." She poked fun at him before replying seriously. "No but thank you Tom, I appreciate it."

He smiled at her sweetly, his piercing shining under the moonlight. This made Angela's heart skip a beat. For the first time in a long time butterflies rummaged around her stomach. Quickly she tried to ignore the flutters but it was almost impossible.

Tom put out his cigarette and stood up. "Well you better get to bed."

"Yea." Angela replied simply, snuffing out her butt then turning to go inside. However when she started to open her door, she quickly turned back around.

"Goodnight, Tom."

"Goodnight. Angela darling."

The butterflies were back.

I actually have a direction of where I'm taking this fic now!

What has been your favourite moment so far??

- Monika Lee <3

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