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Morning once again rolled around and Angela's alarm went off, hurting her ears and Toms head as he whined at the sound.

Angela got up and walked out the kitchen. She was the first up, which wasn't unusual. She went around to everyone's rooms and knocked on their doors to wake them up. They had an interview that morning so they needed to get up now before their manager along with the stylists arrived.

Everyone lugged themselves up out of beds, their heads pounding from last night. The last place she went to was Tom and hers room. She sat down next to him and rubbed circles on his temples.

"Morning, it's time to get up." She said softly as not to make his head hurt more.

Tom opened his eyes halfway and glanced up at the girl with severe bed hair and groaned. He took a deep breath out and then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on top of him and back in bed.

Angela giggled giddily but knew that they had things to do. "Tom." She yelled out still laughing.

"Noooo! I wanna stay in bed all day with you!" He protested as he strengthened his grip on her. Angela laughing at how clingy he was.

"Come on, you gotta go and make our fans happy." She said in a playful tone.

"You mean horny." He replied back with a cocky attitude.

Angela just rolled her eyes and picked herself up. Looking down at him, he smiled, happily. Tom moved some hair out of her face and behind her ear. Angela's heart racing, he kissed her.

She gave him a sweet grin, before she pulled herself out of the bed and towards the door. Tom started at her the whole time, admiring her.

"We can't be late so get up." She said before leaving the room.

For a moment Tom laid on his back and thought about Angela. Then he turned to his bedside table and pulled a folded up photo out of his wallet. He opened it up and smiled at it.

It was the photo of Angela and him as kids. The both of them hugging and smirking at the camera.

He put it back where it belonged and got out of bed to get ready along with the other members.


The band was dropped off at the studio where the interview was being held. It was for a rock program on MTV. The members were escorted back stage and briefed on the interview before they had to step on the stage and talk to the journalist.

It quickly came time and they all made their way out from backstage and onto the interview couch. The interviewer welcomed them and introduced them to the crowd.

"Welcome Tokio Hotel to MTV Rock-Out Friday" They guy yelled out and clapped along with the studio crowd.

The group gave a wave out the audience and then directed the attention back to the interviewer.

"So how are you guys enjoying LA?" He asked

Bill looked around at the members then back at the guy. "We love it here it has so much energy and we love meeting our American fans!" He said in his 'tv voice' as he called it.

He asked a few more questions then moved onto some member based questions. "So Angela, news tells us that you were the last to join the band, is that correct?"

"Yes that's correct, I actually previously lived in Australia." She replied.

"Oh wow, so how is it you met all these studs." The interviewer said laughing, the crowd followed.

Angela laughed it off. "Well me and the twins knew each other as kids and we happened to find each other again."

"That's amazing! What a beautiful story, you were once again reunited after being away for so long." He said.

Tom then pulled out his wallet, Angela keenly watching him, curious to what she was doing. He pulled out the photo and showed the journalist along with the audience.

"Here's us as kids!" Tom proudly proclaimed.

He pointed out who was who and the crowd gave off a mix of 'oohs' and 'awe's'

Angela's was shocked that he had that photo let alone he would have carried it with him all tour. It made her face blush slightly, luckily no one noticed.

After some more talk the interviewer moved onto to ask Tom some questions all the girls in the studio went wild for him.

"Well as we know Tom you are quite the womaniser! But do you like anyone at the moment or maybe even have a girlfriend?" The crowd feel silent, waiting for his response.

Tom quickly glanced over at Angela and then relied. "No I don't have girlfriend."

For some reason this made Angela's heart shatter. She knew he wasn't hers at all but a part of her hoped that he would have said something different.

"But I do like someone. Someone who I hope can be my girlfriend sometime soon." He finished his sentence. The members tried their best to not look at Angela to make it obvious who he was talking about.

However Angela wasn't helping herself at all with going bright red at his response. Tom was able to rub his finger on her hand without anyone noticing, trying to comfort her.

A few more questions were asked, some even from fans in the audience. But the interview was over and they made their way off stage when the lights dimmed.

Tom stopped Angela for a moment before they continued walking. "We're you scared that I was going to say that I didn't like you."

Angela tried her best to be confident "Well no, I didn't even know you liked me."

"Well I'll try my best to make it more obvious from now on." He said leaning down and kissing her cheek then lacing his hand with hers.


What's your guys favourite moment so far? And Dow you have any ideas on what should happen next?

- Monika Lee <3

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