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The world felt like it was just moving around Angela. Her heart was heart was beating at a hundered miles per hour. 

This was their first offical concert and as she peeped out from backstage to see the crowd it was like her whole body froze. She had never been this nervous in her life.

Tom had noticed her and decided to see if she was okay "Whats wrong princess, you scared that some groupie is gonna take me away from you?" He said as he played up a sad expression.

"I swear to god Tom." She said shaking her head. But in a way it worked his preverted words took her mind off her intense anxiety.

Angela looked over to Tom and then Georg, who walked up beside her. "Were gonna crush it, right" The two boys just looked down to her and smiled as they waited for their cue.

The three were able to catch a quick glimse of Bill and Gustav who were entering on the other side of the stage. They gave the trio a thumbs up and a big smile, the three of them retruened the favour. Then they listened carefully to their ear-pieces as a count down begin and the stage lights feel dark.

A rattled breath let Angela mouth then it was time. "2....1....We are live!"

The band rushed out on stage, getting into their positions for their first song 'Scream'.

The stage lights rose up and when they heard the signial they began playing.

Angela and Tom were next to each other and were playing their guitars back to back. She looked over her shoulder while strumming her guitar to give him a big smile. He grinned back at her.

After the song had finished the crowd went wild with cheers. Bill stood in the middle of the stage, still catching his breath and gave them a warm welcome and thanked them all for coming out to the show that night.

At some point Bill spotted someone in front row of the crowd and asked for them to come on stage. A guard lifted her up onto the stage and Bill pulled her over, placing his arms over her shoulders. She looked so star struck by being so close to Bill.

He asked her a few questions like who her crush was amoung the group. Unsuprisingly she said Tom. Angela looked over at the blonde boy who seemed to be way to excited over this. He even whispered to one of the secuirity to bring her backstage once the show was over. Angela just rolled her eyes over this.

The band played through the next two hours and everything felt like a dream. Being there on that stage in front of hundered of people who were there for them. 

Once the last song finished the group got together in the middle of the stage to give their final bow and wave off everyone. 

"Goodnight Humburg!" Bill yelled out over the crowd.

The five of them ran off stage, to see everyone backstage giving them a massive round of applause. They all hunddled together for a tight group hug. It turned out better then expected and they were practically jumping for joy.

They all made their way back to their dressing rooms. Once Angela reached hers it was almost like she was home. She was quite exhausted so she sat her guitar down and layed down on the couch for a moment before she heard a knock on the door. She lundged her body up and made her way over. 

It was a security gaurd with a group of fans behind him. Angela got a bright smile on her face. "Are you here for me?" She asked brightly. You could see that they were containing their screams of excitement.

Angela stood aside and let them in for a moment as the gaurd stood by the door. They were telling her how good she was and they handed her many gifts like flowers, stuffed bears, clothes and more. Angela was in a way star struck herself, she had never felt so loved by so many people. 

After signing some things, even one guys arm who said he was gonna get it tattooed, she once again waved them goodbye. 

The guard gave her a small, yet reasurring nod before closing the door for her. She spent some time going through all the gifts and letters that was given to her. 

Not long later it was time to get back to the hotel. They had one more show here in Humburg tomorrow night before they had the leave for the next city, so it was important that they get back to rest up.

They all went in seperate cars to avoid the paparazzi and any potentionally dangerous situiations. 

Once they came back to the hotel room, the band was reunited again. And after they got ready for bed they came out to the living room and began gushing about the experience.

"It was insane, being there and seeing all these different people, even the girl that came on stage, It feels like a dream!" Bill said, his energy glowing.

"Yea that girl, what happened to her?" Angela said staring at Tom, the other boys followed curious for his answer.

Tom just smiled, and pushed his tounge into his piercing, leaning deeper into his chair."Lets just say, she's gonna remeber this night for the rest of her life."

Everyone congragulated the 'stud' and were laughing at how cocky he was. On the other hand something within Angela was burning. A fire of sorts.

She told herself that she couldn't be bitter and that her and Tom were just friends and nothing else. Angela tried to surpress her hurt but struggled. She tried to match everyone elses energy to her best ablities. However, weather she would admit it or not. She was jealous.


Hii Guys! Sorry for not posting yesturday! I was meant to but just got caught up in things yk.

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. What do you think Angela is gonna do to fix her jelously???

- Monkia Lee  <3.

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