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The morning light shone down on Bills face, he rubbed his eyes and looked over at the time. It was still early but the group needed to get ready for their concert that night.

He opened his door and made his way into the living room. He noticed sheets on the couch and figured that Tom must have slept there last night. He thought that he got up early to go to the hotels gym, something he did often through their tour.

Bill walked into the kitchen and fixed himself a coffee and sat down on the couch amongst the sheets. He turned on the television and watched the morning news.

After about thirty minutes Georg and Gustav met him in the kitchen and they thought that Tom would be back soon and Angela would wake up shortly. So they called the receptionist and ordered some breakfast to be delivered to their room.

Once the food arrived there was still no sigh of the other two and the group became a bit worried.

Bill made the decision to wake up Angela and the other two went out to look for Tom.

Meanwhile Tom and Angela were laying in bed together. Tom on his back and Angela sleeping peacefully on his chest.

Bill knocked on the door and opened it slowly.

"Morning Angel! Here's your break-" Bill stopped in the middle of his sentence, when he saw the two in bed together. Naked.

He let out a massive scream. Waking the two of them up. Angela shot up and looked around, where she saw Bill standing in the door way, his face filled with shook. Tom sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"What's happening..." He said, his voice tired and his eyes still half closed.

Another voice came from the door to the hotel. "We couldn't find Tom!" Georg yelled out, Gustav closing the door behind them, still catching their breaths.

"I found them." Bill said not being able to take his eyes off what was in front of him.

Everything from the previous night rushed through Angela's head and she quickly blurted out. "Uhm it's not what you think!"

"Then what is it cause it looks you lost your virginity last night, princess." Bill said in a cocky tone.

Tom frowed his brows "Wait you were a virgin?" He asked confused.

"We're!?" Gustav yelled out.

"Omg they totally fucked." Georg followed.

Angela's eyes shot around the room "Okay you get out!" She screamed at Bill. Who put one of his hands up in defence and closed the door behind him.

She looked over at Tom, regret in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"But I'm confused why would you lie?" He asked, distrust filled his eyes.

"I don't know, I was caught in the moment I guess." She said disappointed in herself.

Tom put his hand on her flushed cheek. "It's okay, good to know I was your first." A grin spanned his face. He gave her a small kiss, then picked up his pants putting them on and walking out of the room.

The other boys starred at him as he walked by, a small spring in his step. Angela threw her clothes back on and followed out nervously.


They arrived at their concert and got out of their van to get ready for the upcoming night.

Bill followed behind Angela and linked his arm in with hers. He leant down and whispered in her ear "So how was it?"

Angela rolled her eyes laughing. She darted her eyes around to make sure no one would be listening. "It was insanely good." Her and Bill giggled with one another. The rest of the groups looked at them with confusion.

They made their way into the venue, Angela and Bill still mumbling amongst themselves.

Their meet manager meet them back stage and she greeted them with a smile. "Alright team we got a lot of prep to do! Angela and Bill you here with the stylists. Tom, Gustav and Georg your with the set up team. Good luck!"

Everyone ran off into different directions getting ready for the show.

Before they knew it was over and done with.

The band meet back stage, Tom surprisingly without any girls. They had all agreed once they were done with their own stuff to meet in Angela's dressing room. Tom was the first one to come.

Tom swung the door open and ran up to Angela, picking her up and spinning her around. "You were amazing out there, gorgeous!" He said Angela giggling and telling him to put her down.

He placed her back on the floor and she smiled at him. "Thanks Tom, you did really well too. Especially on Monsoon!" Angela exclaimed happily.

"Must had been the magic we made last night giving us all that power." Tom said smirking.

Angela playfully hit him as a response. The other members trickled in one by one and Bill told them to huddle around.

"Okay guys." Bill started. "That was insane! And I'm thinking we go and have some fun tonight! Since we have been working so hard!"

"What did you have in mind?" Georg asked, the others all looked at Bill anticipating his answer.

"Well...I heard about a big party happening tonight! There's gonna be a bunch of other celebs there!"

Everyone looked around at each other and collectively agreed that they deserved this.

"Let's hope this time I won't have to carry Ange home." Tom said laughing.

Angela frowed her brows. "Ange?"

"Yea, my new nickname for you, and you can't do anything about it." Tom smiled at the smaller girl. She replied with an unsure smile.

The band knew it was better to get going now so they could get changed and fix themselves up before going.


Once they had finished up getting themselves ready they headed out and got in the van that was taking them.

When they had arrived it wasn't what they expected.

"Wait Bill isn't this." Gustav started.

"Omg Paris Hiltons mansion!?" Angela half yelled out.

Now the fun would begin.


Omg it feels so good to finally update, sorry for the delay work has been insane!

Also if you thought that I already published this, I did but by accident, sorry for getting your hopes up!

I also wanted to thank you all for being so supportive as well as patient with me! I appreciate you all so much ♡︎

Have a good day !!

- Monika Lee <3

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