First day on the job

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Raphael stood outside the orphanage, already wanting to leave. It was a full place, the buildings color faded until you almost couldn't see it. The only way you could tell it was a orphanage and not just some old run-down building was the fact that there was a sign in the front of the building that read "O'neils sunshine orphanage".

Looking back at his father, who was right behind him, he silently asked it leave with his eyes but only got a head shake in return. Growling, Raphael made his way up the stairs and pushed the doors if the orphanage open. His father walked passed him and made his way to the front desk while Raphael looked at his new hell-hole for the next however-many weeks.

Children were everywhere, running and screaming, giggling and shouting, and Raphael's head started to pound already. Giving a sigh, he started making his way over to the front desk when he saw his father waving him over.

"This is Mrs. April O'neil. She's the owner of this orphanage." His father said once Raphael got over to the desk. Raphael nodded at her politely, though on the inside he was gagging. Why would she wanna work with kids? That was the only question running through his mind.

So deep in thought about why anyone would want to work in a place like this, he didn't notice his father say goodbye then leave the building. Starting slightly when a hand touched his shoulder, he whipped around to see Mrs. O'neil staring at him, slightly concerned.

Noticing his father had left, he gruffly asked "So what do you want me to do?"

Pursing her lips in thought, she said "Well when something like this normal happens, I put them in charge of a kid so that's what I'll do to you."

He groaned inside his head at the thought of having to watch and babysit a kid all day. Mrs. O'neil looked around and gave a noise of victory when she spotted who she was looking for.

Pointing in the direction of some little kid, she said "You could take care of him. But let me warn you, the older kids here are....different around him then they are each other. Maybe because his age?"

Muttering the last part thoughtfully, she didn't notice Raphael sigh then start making his way over to the kid.

Once he got over there, he finally got a good look at the kid. The child was small, about the size of a five year old and had a mop of curly blond hair. His eyes were an innocent sky-blue color and the kid had a cluster of freckles on his cheeks, right under his eyes. The child had a large small on his face as he talked to some teenage boy who was sitting beside him.

Noticing his presence, the small child asked "Who are you mister?"

Raphael was shocked at how young the kids voice was. He muttered to himself "The kids sounds like he's four or something."

The small child smiled and said "Hi! My name is Michelangelo!"

The teenage boy, who the kid was sitting with, snapped his head up when he heard the kids question and pinned a glare on Raphael faster then he could blink.

Raphael glared back and was caught in a epic glare fight, which was broken when Michelangelo asked "What's going on here? Who are you?"

"Mrs. What-ever-her-face-is sent me over here to watch you" he said gruffly, still staring at the kid who glared at him.

"You mean Mrs. O'neil?" The teenage asked, his voice rough.

"Yea yea, that lady." He said uncaringly, earning a growl from the teenager.

"You can go tell her I'm watching Mikey, and I don't need some half-brained asshole getting in my way!" The teenager snarled, glaring harshly at Raphael once more.

"Hey! You said a badddd word!" Michelangelo said, shaking his finger at the teen. Raphael grinned at the kid, waiting for the teen to turn around and rip the small kid a new one, since that teen looked to be in the same situation as him.

The teen smiled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, saying "yea I did Mikey. Sorry buddy."

Michelangelo glared at the teen and said "Hand out, now!"

Smiled at the small child, the teen complied, sticking his hand out and letting the child hit his hand hard, leaving a slight red mark. Raphael looked at the scene on shock, surprised at the teens sudden mood change.

Looking back at Raphael, the teen snarled "Go. Tell. Her."

"Sure thing, jack-ass!" Raphael exclaimed, getting up and making his way towards the front desk, ignoring the surprised gasp from the small child.

Once at the front desk, he snarled at the owner "Can I go now? Before I break that kid?!"

"What did Mikey do?" She asked, surprise coating her tone. Still snarling, he said "The kid didn't do nothing, but imma break that other kid with him!"

Looking over at Mikey and the teen, Mrs. O'neil let out a sigh of understanding.

"Sorry Raphael, that's Leatherhead. Out of all the kids here, him, Karai and ice cream kitty are the most protective of Mikey." She said apologetically.

"Leatherhead? Ice cream kitty? Are those really their names? Well...Karai actually sounds pretty normal." He said to Mrs. O'neil who then shook her head.

"No, none of those are their real names. Mikey gives everyone who comes here a nickname, and now those three won't go by anything else. Half the kids here don't even know those threes real names. The other half just don't call them by their real names anymore." She explained, seeing Raphael's confusion.

"That little kids has them wrapped around his finger doesn't he?" Raphael snickered. Mrs. O'neil sighed and said "Yea but they know why Mikey is here, and what happened to the little guy."

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

"Well..." Mrs. O'neil started, biting her bottom lip, "When we found Mikey, his was in a horrible condition. He had a broken wrist, cracked ribs, broken toes, and was starved. We managed to get him away and have the parents thrown in jail. For the longest time, Mikey was afraid to be near anyone. Then those three came along and Mikey got some much better. I honestly think he's really happy, instead of the fake happiness he had when he first came here."

Raphael felt a look of slight horror and shock on his face. Muttering he asked "Who could do something like that to a child so young?"

Just as he was going to turn around, he felt a sudden weight latch onto his back and gave a strangled gasp.

"Hey hey! Whatcha doin?" A young, innocent voice asked, and Raphael could just see the very top of a blond head on his back. The kid looked up at him and crawled up his back then whispered in his ear "Hey...your nice! I like you!"

Raphael said nothing, confusion painting his face. Michangelo gave him a wave then jumped. Raphael gave a shocked gasp then turned to try to catch the kid, only for the kid to land perfectly, then run off towards Leatherhead.

Raphael watched as Leatherhead smiled then picked up the young boy and walked towards two other teens, one a girl and the other a boy, and gave started when Mrs. O'neil said "you can go home now. See you tomorrow!"

Raphael gave a absentminded nod the slowly made his way out the door then to his home. Ignoring everyone who talked to him, he slowly went into his room and fell on his bed, mind still trying to process what he just heard.

He fell asleep like that, his mind still full of questions that have no answers.

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