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A/N: sorry guys! I was on a trip to go see my family for the holidays! Hope y'all had an awesome holiday/break! I also got a new phone and had to switch my apps over and everything...it was tiring ;-;

Ice Cream Kitty snorted awake, his body flinching as he woke. Rubbing his eyes, Ice Cream Kitty looked over and had a heart attack, doubling over as he saw Mikey was not in bed!!

"MIKEY?!" He screeched, waking everyone up as he ran out the room. He blinked as he got tackled from behind and both crashed to the ground. Turning around, he saw both Leatherhead and Raph glaring at him as they got up and both snapped "What the hell?!"

Ice Cream Kitty gestured for them to look in the bed and rushed away again, not bothering to wait for their shocked gasps. He searches desperately around the rooms, finding everyone but Mikey.

"Where could he have gone?!" He wailed, fear filling him. A hand on his shoulder caused him to turn around and see that everyone was standing behind him. Leatherhead smiled as he patted Ice Cream Kitty's back and said "Don't worry, we'll find him....All of us will."

Ice Cream Kitty sniffed and said as he jolted up "Yeah!! Let's go find my baby!"

Smiling at everyone's laughter, Ice Cream Kitty ran down the hall, leading the search for their missing Mikey.


Mikey gave a laugh as he slid down the slide, winding whipping his hair around for the short time between the top of the slide and the bottom. Mikey knew he wasn't supposed to be out of bed, but he reaaallllyyyy wanted go to the park.

"YAAAAAAAAAA!" He shouted as he hopped on the swing, sending it swinging back and forth rapidly, his tiny hands clenching the chains tightly. Giggles filled the park as Mikey stood on the swing and swung himself gently. Deciding he was bored, Mikey hopped off the swing, landing on the ground harshly. A whimper escaping his lips as a horrid pain shot through him at his stomach. Mikey's breath hitched as he lifted his shirt up, running his small fingers over of horrifying looking cut. The injury was long, stretching across his whole chest and down to his stomach, and was pretty deep, seeing as the doctor had to put a lot of stitches in the cut. Wincing at the burning sensation of touched the cut, Mikey quickly released his shirt and whimpered "Oww..."

Walking over towards the swings again, Mikey sat down and swung slightly with a sigh. Kicking his feet as he swung, Mikey started talking to the sky, telling the stars his secrets he could not keep any longer.

"...I don't like it. Being hurt I mean. It reminds me of when I was with them, and all the hurts I got with them. Like when daddy pushed me down the stairs and my arm got bent all weird and hurt for a long time. Or when Mommy wouldn't give me food for a week because I didn't clean my room right."

A sob escaped Mikey as he clutches the chains tighter, and clenched his eyes as he whispered out "I don't want to be worthless anymore. I just wanted to make them happy. I try....I tried so hard for them."

Mikey stopped swinging as sobbed shook his body, his breathing turning from calm to heaving gasps the longer he cried.


Ice Cream Kitty was at his wits end. Where was Mikey?! Worry filled him and laid heavy in his gut, laying right beside the dread.

"Any sign of him?" He asked desperately as Raph and Leatherhead came into view.

"Has anyone checked the park yet?" Karai asked, walking up slowly and Ice Cream Kitty growled as he hissed "Why didn't I think of that?!"

He quickly ran out the door, his feet pounding against the concert and his multicolored hair whipped wildly in the wind. His feet automatically took him to the park, where a crying sound caught his attention. Quickly running over, stopping in the bushes as he heard Mikey's voice say "...don't like it. Being hurt I mean. It reminds me of when I was with them, and all the hurts I got with them. Like when daddy pushed me down the stairs and my arm got bent all weird and hurt for a long time. Or when Mommy wouldn't give me food for a week because I didn't clean my room right."

Tears rolled from Ice Cream Kitty's eyes as he listen to Mikey then say as he sobbed "I don't want to be worthless anymore. I just wanted to make them happy. I try....I tried so hard for them."

A large sobbed ripped from his throat as Ice Cream Kitty ran out of the bushes, pulling Mikey into a hug and muttering "My poor baby, oh my baby..."

"How did-" Mikey asked, before sobbing and burying his face into Ice Cream Kitty's shirt. Ice Cream Kitty felt his heart breaking as Mikey curled closer, a large cry stain growing on his t-shirt.

"I tried so hard..." Mikey whimpered and Ice Cream Kitty held him closer and whispered "There's a new friend waiting for you back home."

Mikey sniffed and whispered "There is?"

Ice Cream Kitty nodded, glad his Mikey was being distracted from his pain, and said "Uh-huh. His name is Donatello and he's tall too."

"Like Leatherhead?" Mikey questioned, curling into Ice Cream Kitty's lap. He nodded and picked Mikey up while saying "Yeah, like Leatherhead. I was trying to think of a nickname for him, and what about Tello?"

Ice Cream Kitty grinned as he heard Mikey mumble out "Naming stuff is my job." and he laughed in the inside. He would never name something, at least not without Mikey's help because his little buddy loved naming things, and poor Mikey never got much, so it was the least they could let him do. He started walking, rocking Mikey gently as Mikey mumbled out "Donnie..." before falling asleep. Tears rolled down Ice Cream Kitty's eyes as he continued rocking Mikey. Hatred once again rose and was aimed towards Mikey's 'parents' (he used to term loosely).  Walking into the Orphanage, and towards the room where everyone was gather worriedly, he gave a cough and everyone rushed over, tears running down their faces in relief. Ice Cream Kitty saw Donnie standing there awkwardly against the wall and smiled, knowing Mikey was gonna have him wrapped around the kids small finger soon enough. 

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