Donnie meets the gang and Ice Cream Kitty remembers

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A/N: *dramatic music* DONNIE'S IN THD STORY NOW!

Raph growled as his purple loving brother ran up to his and asked angrily "Where have you been?! And where's Leonardo?!"

"Hey Raph, you know this looser?" Karai said, pointing at Donatello. Raph sighed and nodded. Raph opened his mouth to say something, when his phone gave a small beep. Taking his phone out, Raph quickly unlocked it then read the message. A feeling of something colder the ice slid down into his gut and he felt his face go pale. Showing everyone else the message, everyone huddled around the screen, reading the message and gasping in shock.

New Messages (1)

Guys get here, NOW. Something happened to Mikey!! -Leonardo


Donatello followed in confusion as his brother and the 3 other teens quickly, after reading the message, quickly took off running.

What is happening here?! Whose 'Mikey'? Why does Leonardo and Raphael know him? How do they know him? Who are these other kids? How do my brothers know them? What happened to that 'Mikey' person to make everyone flip out? And what's up with these kids calling him 'Raph'?

All these thoughts and more rushed through his head at an alarming rate, and then he noticed they were running in the direction of the orphanage. They stopped at a red light and another beep went off and Donatello watched as Raphael pulled his phone out and cursed loudly, then showed it to everyone else.

New Messages (1)

Guys hurry!! Where are you at?! They took him and won't let me see him! -Leonardo

"Shit!!" One teen said, and Donatello got his first real look at everyone. The kid who had cursed was the tallest there, with an almost golden eye color and a sort of scale-green colored hair. He was wearing ripped blue jeans with a orange shirt and a brown zip up jacket over it.

The other male was....interesting to say the least. His hair was a weird mix of the colors pink, white, light brown and dark brown, and the colors were swirled, almost like ice cream. Donatello blinked in confusion as he noticed this. How is that even possible? Did he dye it? Donatello thought to himself, then continued his examination. The other teen's eyes were a black color,and Donatello could see the panic in them. He was wearing an orange t-shirt and dark blue jeans with pair of grey sneakers covering his feet.

The girl of the group was another interesting one. She have a weird hairstyle, with the top part a dark brown color and the bottom part a light tanish color. She was wearing a Three Days Grace band shirt along with dirty dark blue jeans and she wore black combat boots. She looked dangerous and panicked, never a good combo.

Donatello, however, was most confused by his brothers clear look of horror and panic, and from the weirdness of Leonardo's texts, his other brother was worried too. Quickly running once more, everyone burst into the orphanage and rushed in. The teens plus his brother quickly made their way over to a red-haired woman and another red-haired teen who was standing beside her. Raph glanced around before asking urgently "Where's Mikey?!"

Before the red haired lady could respond, his other brother showed up and pulled Raph's arm and said in a panicked voice "Hurry up, this way!"

Everyone, including the red haired girls, followed Leonardo to a room where there were people who were obviously doctors examining a fainted Mikey, who was laying on one of the many beds in the room. Donatello gasped at the condition the boy was in and a quick look at the teens proved to be depressing as they, and his brothers, had a look of complete despair covering their faces.

The teen with the ice cream colored hair turned to Leonardo and asked desperately "What happened?"

"Mikey started getting dizzy on the way here so I carried him the rest of the way when he fainted. Mrs. O'Neil called the hospital and they sent people over but won't let me in!!"

The last couple of words where screamed in frustration toward the medical officers, who didn't bat an eyelash towards the outburst. Quickly finishing up, they left the room and spoke quietly to Mrs. O'Neil, then left the orphanage. Donatello watched interested as everyone rushed in the room and the multi-colored hair kid burst into tears.

---------ICE CREAM KITTY'S POV---------*A/N: sorry for the cut shortness of Donnie's POV but I really wanted to right Ice Cream Kitty's POV for this part for some reason....*

Ice Cream Kitty rushed into the room, tears escaping his eyes at the sight if his little one laying there on the bed, injuries and unconscious. A loud sob ripped through him as he gently grabbed one of Mikey's small hands and he flinched slightly when Leatherhead set a comforting arm around him. Turning around with tears in his eyes, Ice Cream Kitty watched as Karai, then Raph, then Leo all walked over and stood beside him, all watching Mikey with concern.

"Oh my poor baby!" He sobbed, and Karai rubbed his back soothingly a he sobbed. Ice Cream Kitty was always the most emotional of the three, and was more of a mother to Mikey then anything. It was just Mikey had save him, dug him out of the dark pit of despair he lived in without even trying. Mikey had done the same with Leatherhead and Karai, and helped them form their own little family. Mikey had been so....small and thin, even fragile when he first came here, demanding to be their friend as his small, abused body shook and trembled with each second that passed. He had forced them to get out of their self pity and actually do something with their lives. No one had wanted anything to do with them, except Mikey, who looked amazed at the fact he got to sleep in an actual bed, eat actual food, and wasn't going to be beaten for the smallest things.

"Oh my poor baby..." Ice Cream Kitty wailed, smoothing Mikey's hair down in an attempt to calm the small child's pain.

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