Leatherhead Looses It

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A/N: was that last chappie a good one? Never wrote as Leo before :3 thanks for the reviews and likes *whispers off to side "is that what its called when they vote for the chappie?"*

Raph could feel Leo's nervousness from beside him and rolls his eyes as he think Great, I'm calling him Leo now.

"So where is everyone at?" Raph asked, looking around as they walking into a clearing. Mikey grinned excited and squirmed out of Karai's arms, running to a tree's trunk and shouting "Can I climb? Can I climb? Pleeeaaaasssseeee?!"

Karai laughed and said "Sure Mikey just be careful!"

Grinning as he watched Mikey climb the tree like a squirrel, Raph glanced over towards his brother and groaned. Leo had that stupid, love-sick look in his face as he stared at Karai and Raph elbowed him roughly.

"What?" Leo hissed at him and Raph glared.

"Don't even think about it." Raph hissed and Leo blushed slightly, knowing exactly what Raph was talking about.

Raph's glare turned harsher as he stared at Leo, when suddenly Karai ran up to them, saying with a smirk "Leatherheads here."

"LEATHERHEADS HERE?!" Mikey shouted from the top of the tree just as Leatherhead and Ice Cream Kitty walked into the clearing. Mikey jumped out of the tree, causing everyone to gasp and yelled "CATCH ME!" as he landed on Leo. Ice Cream Kitty gasped and fell to his knees as Mikey rolled off the now fallen Leo and ran over.

"Hey Mik-" Leatherhead started to say, only to stop once he got a good look at Mikey. Taking in the bruises and cuts, Leatherhead growled while Ice Cream Kitty gasped in shock.

"OHMYGOD MIKEY!" Ice Cream Kitty shouted, rushing to get off his knees and ran over to the grinning child, scooping Mikey up and holding him close.

"What. Happened." Leatherhead demanded, glared at both Raph and Leo. Raph rolled his eyes and explained what had happened with Casey and how Leo found him with Mikey and tried to take him away, only for Karai to come in and beat Leo up. He also explained how everything got sorted out and how they got here.

"Good one Karai." Ice Cream Kitty chuckled, eyes flashing in amusement. Leo blushed to his roots in embarrassment, causing Raph to laugh in amusement.

"You're a lucky piece of shit, you know that?" Leatherhead said pleasantly to Leo, and Raph immediately felt wary.

"Why?" Leo asked, and Raph winced as Leatherhead punched Leo in the face, sending him to ground with a thud.

"Because I'm only hitting you once." Leatherhead snarled and Mikey frowned from where he was in Ice Cream Kitty's arms.

"Leatherhead! Stop!" Mikey shouted, jumping out of Ice Cream Kitty's grasp and sitting on Leo's legs. Mikey pouted and said "He's my new friend."

"Besides, Casey's the one you really need to kill." Karai said, flipping her hair gently. Leo got this lovesick look in his face and Raph wanted to vomit.

Leatherhead nodded and said "Show me where that asswipe lives."


Raph pulled Leo over the side and said "Listen, I know I've been a jerk lately, but I need a favor."

Leo narrowed his eyes and said "What?"

"I need you to take Mikey back to the orphanage for me." Raph said, swallowed harshly. It was killing him to have to ask his brother for help, but Mikey couldn't watch this, and Raph had a feeling that Leatherhead was going to loose it.

"Why? What are you talking about?" Leo asked and Raph sighed. Quickly glancing around, he pulled Leo to the side and whispered "Look don't go tellin everyone one this but the kid was abused...very badly I think. I don't want him seeing this and being triggered ok?"

Leo looked sick and nodded, looking at Mikey in shock. Raph nodded then watched as Leo went over and said something to Mikey (Raph couldn't hear the words), and they set off, Leo holding Mikey's hand tightly. Raph smiled slightly then watched as Leatherhead snarled "Take me to him."


Raph, Leatherhead, Ice Cream Kitty and Karai all crouched in dark green bushes, watching Casey from outside his window, and Raph felt like a mild stalker.

"How long till we go?" He hissed, and winced as Karai punched then shhhhed him.

Leatherhead waited a couple more minutes before nodding to everyone then rushing up to the house. Kicking the door in, Leatherhead let out a horrifying snarl, scaring Casey enough so he fell over.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Casey screeched, crawling backwards on the floor in a panic.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Leatherhead yelled, making his way towards Casey.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT DUDE!!" Casey screeched, his face turning pure white as Leatherhead got a murderous look on his face.

"BLOND KID. IN A PARK. YOU HURT HIM!!" Leatherhead snarled, and reached down to pick Casey up by his shirt. Once holding Casey in the air, Leatherhead punched him in the face, sending him flying.

Casey groaned from the pain then screeched in a panic "I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT HIM, I WAS JUST MESSING AROUND!!"

Ice Cream Kitty screeched angrily, startling everyone there, before pouncing on Casey and scratching his face, screaming "SO YOU 'ACCIDENTALLY' HURT MY BABY BOY? YOU 'ACCUDENTALLY' BRUISED AND CUT HIM?! YOU SICK MOTHER FUCKER, I SWEAR I'LL-"

"Ice Cream Kitty!" Karai snapped, pulling the still screeching teenager off the now slightly sobbing Casey. I've Cream Kitty snarled and growled at Casey still, and Karai had to hold him back.

"He...HURT..." Ice Cream Kitty snared, reaching for Casey as he thrashed, and Raph made a mental note not to get on his bad side.

"I know, I know, but Mikey's ok now. He's safe." Karai soothed, and Ice Creak Kitty calmed enough for Karai to let him go and Casey made a noise of relief. Karai turned and glared, her eyes flashing as she said "Don't think you're off the hook, pal. I just wanted a turn myself."

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