not really a yandere one, but eh

460 6 2

character: hell-ix / c/n
type: fluff/cute


"hey c/n?" you peeked through you and your boyfriends shared bedroom, seeing him playing a game while scattered pieces of clothing lay dirtily on the floor of the bedroom. you heaved out an irritated sigh, marching up to c/n who was highly focused on the game he was playing.

you gently tapped his shoulder, this fortunately caught his attention. c/n took of his headphones, pausing the game. "yeah? something sugarplum?" he asked. your heart instantly melting at the small smile he gave you alongside the cute nickname.

as you were almost melted butter just from his small gestures, yoiu slapped yourself back to reality.

"c/n... why's your room such a mess? didn't i just clean the other day? how comes there's already so much within such a short time?" you asked, your boyfriend seemed to be taken a back by a but before glancing around his room.

at first he thought you were just overreating but when he skimmed through the dark room, he knew you weren't overreacting. "oh... sorry..." is all he could muster. you sighed and shook your head.

"it's alright." you said before an idea came to your mind, "why don't you help with doing the laundry and then afterwards we can play games or cuddle? sounds good?"

at the thought of cuddling and playing with you slipped out of your mouth the man immediately stood up and hauled a ginormous amount of clothes in his arms before running out, going to the laundry room.

you just laughed befor getting your own haul of clothing, not at big as c/n's but just manageable for you.

as you and c/n brought down the last batch of dirty clothing from his room, you two started to wash the clothes. not going out fully dried considering c/n decided to splash water to you and that started a water splash fight.

after the whole fun with water, you two finally finished washing the clothes before hanging them outside to sundry.

"c/n let's go change." you said, pulling him to the bedroom, "we don't wanna catch a cold from all that playing." you gave a small giggle when he just gave you a nod and a cheeky smile.

"fine, and then straight to cuddling and games?"

"and then straight to cuddling and games."


just something small before i go away for who knows how long.

the one with the guardian angel yandere is being written, but i just couldn't really find the time to write it.

and i'm so sorry for that especially if i took that much time off and the final output isn't as great as you might've expected especially withing that ling time space.

anyways i'm logging right now. i'll be back soon.

- teddyhalo (5/9/2023)

lascivious | yandere oneshots [HIATUS] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora