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Alexandra had graduated from school, so she knew what to do.'I'm not going to marry some mafia boss. You know that!' she said angrily to her father.'You have no other choice, he's here over half an hour so go upstairs and put on a nice dress and get your hair out of that tail!' her father said angrily. She went upstairs but didn't do what he asked.

She heard him coming and went downstairs. She had put her hair in a ponytail, was wearing jeans, a T-shirt and hoodie. 'Alexandra!' said her father. 'What? I'm not going to make myself beautiful for something I don't want," she said. She looked at the maffia boss: "How old are you?" she asked '25' he said.'Also young to be a mafia boss.'She said.'Well the best.'said her father. The evening passed slowly and they ate. Alexandra was spinning her fork in her plate.'Stop.'" her father said. After dinner, Alexandra's father went to his office with the mafia boss.

Alexandra went outside and took a glass of champagne with her. She was on the phone with her best friend.'Really, since mom is gone, he's been acting completely different.'' said Alexandra. He might just want to give you a good life.'said her friend.'By getting me to marry a mafia boss.'she said and she took another sip of champagne.'You shouldn't ask me, I don't know.'She said.'He's beautiful, he's not ugly.'Alexandra.'She heard someone come out.'I have to leave, someone is there.'She said and she laid down.

It was Luca, the mafia boss.'And how much does he sell me for?' Alexandra asked.'not much, I gave him more.'he said.'What's your plan?' she asked 'Okay, You've watched way too many mafia movies.'' he said.'What?' she asked, "I don't have a plan," he said.

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