Payback & Meeting Anne

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"Take her to the room," Luca said. He had already laid ropes. 'Tie her hands to the bed.'said Luca.'Leave me alone!' she shouted as she tried to free her hands. He tied her legs to the other side so she couldn't bend her legs.'Let go of me, focking jerk!' she shouted 'Then don't do such stupid things anymore!' he said and they left. Alexandra tried to get her free but couldn't. 'Cooled down?' he asked in the evening the next day "Untie me!" she said. 'You're not leaving tonight understood?' he asked, untying her hands. "Really, I hate you so much already!" she said. 'I mean it, do another stupid thing and you'll wear handcuffs for a week or even longer!' he said. In the evening Luca's mother came over and Alexandra was wearing a beautiful dress that Luca had given her .'You must be Alexandra.'she said 'Indeed, nice to meet you.'said Alexandra.'They gave each other a kiss on the cheek 'Just call me Anne' said his mother.

She didn't stay very long. She had to go to a training session a few days later. She had to learn to fight 'Normally it's learning to shoot first, but you have to gain confidence,' said one of Luca's right hands. She learned to fight all day. She was cooking in the evening and he came home.'So that's how you're going to try it?' he asked as he took off his coat.'What?' she asked 'You're trying to gain trust.'' he said.'No, I wanted to cook.'she said.'Admit it' he said 'I'm not going to admit anything if I have nothing to conceal.'' she said. 'I'm not stupid.', he said.'You're looking for a reason behind everything!' she said.'For a reason.'" he said and they ate not much later. Tomorrow night we have to go to dinner in the village.', he said 'Where?' she asked 'Bistro Omerta,along the water.'he said.'I have already seen it when I walked there and also a bistro called Cosa Nostra.' she said. The next morning she wanted to walk outside.

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