Under attack

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A few days passed and Alexandra came home.'I'm back!' she said and Luca came into the living room and pulled out a ring "So we ended up here!" she said 'Do you want to get married?' he asked. She gave him a kiss.'Is that a yes?' he asked 'Yes!' she said. He put the ring on her and they went upstairs.'Unzip once!' she said as she looked at him.'You're incredible.'" he said as he unzipped her dress. She started kissing him and they continued to do so throughout the evening. Luca woke up in the morning and smiled. Alexandra was looking at her ring "How long have you been watching?" he asked '20 minutes.', she said.'I expected such an answer.'' he said. When do you want to get married?' she asked 'As soon as possible.' he said 'this summer?' she asked.'Yes, if it works out,' he said. She gave him a kiss and Luca had to get ready because Enzo was going to come over again.

Weeks passed and they were attacked. "Get Alexandra to safety!" said Luca.'I'm not going to leave you here!' she said.'Go!' he shouted 'No, I'm not leaving you here. Got it?' she asked.'No, Even if they shoot a thousand bullets through me, torture me, let me starve, I don't give a real Fuck, they don't come near you let alone touch you!' he shouted.'I... Stay... here!' she said as she looked into his eyes.'No, you're leaving here!' he said and she heard handcuffs. He had put special handcuffs on her.'You can't get them off!' he said and they took her away. They left and drove for hours. They arrived at a safe house of Luca.When they were inside and everything was locked they took off those shackles.'You don't get outside and nobody gets inside.'said Marco.

Alexandra trained all the time to get in top shape and also continued to practice her shooting skills until she could return home. She was there for about 2 weeks and when she got home Luca was waiting for her.'No,I don't need to hear your excuse.'She said as she walked past him.'I didn't want anything to happen to you!' she said 'I'm 19, not 3!' she said 'So,You can't shoot yet and you haven't been able to do that much training yet!' he said 'Who would be because of that, you didn't trust me!' she said.'Do you think everything is that easy?' he asked,'You want to marry me and that's too hard?' she asked and she took her car keys.'What are you going to do?' he asked.'Don't care about you, try to gain my trust first!' she said.'Alexandra!' he said seriously.'No,If you're going to play it like that, I'll play it like that too.'she said.'I don't play a game.'he said 'Hilarious, that's you, you know?' she asked sarcastically. She drove away and went past her sister.'Are you actually getting married or what's the plan?' she asked 'It's a big now so I really don't have a clue.'she said.'You get annoyed yourself eh?' she asked.'Yes, There was something the other day and he was pretending I'm 3 years old.'She said.'He just doesn't want anything to happen to you.'said Rebecca.'So? I'm only 2 years younger than him and he thinks he's being funny.''she said angrily.

She returned home late in the evening. She saw a bottle of liquor 'Luca?' she asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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