'My Fiancée'

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"If you're gone that long, I'll tie you up again!" he said while he was arranging something.'I'm not going to be away for too long.'" she said. She started walking and came back after a while. She was going to get her ready and then leave.

'Alexandra,We have to leave!' he shouted.'2 seconds!' she called and she came down.'You look beautiful.'" he said 'Do you need something because you do so kindly?' she asked. She was wearing a long black off-shoulder dress with a slit along her thigh with nice black heels.'No, I'm always friendly.', he said 'Yes,You still tied me up.'She said.'That was for your own safety.'He said 'Is it so dangerous here?' she asked, "You shouldn't just walk around the woods outside at night," he said. They left and arrived and they ordered food. Luca's aunt arrived a moment later.

'What are you doing here?' she asked, "Can't I come by without you knowing?" he asked when they hugged each other.' Who do you have with you?' she asked 'Alexandra, my fiancé.', he said and Alexandra stood up.'nice to meet you. I'm Alexandra Brown, for now," she said. She had to get used to him calling her his fiancée.'I hope you treat her well or I'll strangle you with my bare hands.'She said.'He's treating you well, isn't he?' asked her aunt 'Yes, like a princess.'she said as a lie.'nice to meet you, I'm Luca's aunt.'she said 'I already had such a suspicion.'said Alexandra. She let them eat further 'So your aunt's bistro?' she asked as they continued to eat.'Yes,and the other bistro you had seen is also from a relative.'He said.'Is there something not from your family?' she asked, "They are the only places in the whole village," he said. 

After dinner they went for a walk 'it's a nice village.'she said.'Everyone knows everyone here too.'he said 'Do they know that you ...?' she asked "No, They don't know. They don't need to know that either," he said. They then walked back to his car and went home.

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