'Where is she?!?'

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He was still watching her sleep but she soon woke up.'You've been away?' she asked 'Just a moment, Anne was here.'he said.'It was already empty here I thought.'she said with a laugh and she gave him a kiss. They ate 'Shouldn't you play mob boss again?' she asked.' No, not today and not tomorrow," he said. They did not lose sight of each other all day and several days passed.

Alexandra was on her way from her sister to her own house. She was driving through the large woods and she saw that a car was chasing her. She pressed her accelerator further and drove out of another way while trying to shake them off.' Fock!' she said and she grabbed her rifle from a special hatch. She saw a hill and she had to come up with a new plan 'okay,come on Lex.Turn around and get out again.', she said but she saw a stream. On the other hand, there was another way. She drove through the stream and arrived on the road, she called Enzo 'I'm being chased.'she said scared.'Where are you?' she asked 'In the forest, not far from a big hill and a small stream.'she said.'We'll comb out the forest, we'll find you !' he said and she kept driving 'There will be more cars, they're going to puncture my tyres at any moment.'' she said and she stepped on the gas.'It's going to be okay!' said Enzo and they shot at her tires after fifteen minutes.'Take them alive, otherwise there's no point!' she heard someone say. She wanted to run away but they caught up with her and pushed her to the ground. They tied her hands and she felt a syringe in her back.'Lift them up, she can't kick or walk anyway.'someone said and they held her hands so she didn't hit. She put her in the car.'Push that cloth in her mouth, it's not that hard.'" said someone sitting at the front of the car . They put on a blindfold and headphones. She couldn't untie her hands because she knew they were watching her. They drove for a long time until they arrived somewhere.

Meanwhile, Enzo had found her car and had the entire area searched. He called Luca: 'They have Alexandra,' he said. Fock Fock Fock!' he said 'Are you sure?' he asked 'Yes, She called me' said Enzo. What did she say?' Luca asked worried 'She was being chased and they wanted to puncture her tyres and after that I didn't hear her again.'said Enzo.Luca walked to his car and called a friend 'Can you trace someone?' he asked as he started driving around.' Yes,Who are you looking for?' he asked 'Alexandra, Alexandra Brown.'said Luca.'It may take a while.'said his friend.'I don't have time, I'll give more if necessary but I need to know as soon as possible.'said Luca 'Okay,'I'm looking. 'said his friend. Luca drove to where Alexandra's car was parked. He found her tape and took it, Enzo came 'She's nowhere in the woods.', he said, 'Do you have any idea who it could be?' Luca asked 'Maybe Brixton' said Enzo.Luca called her sister 'When was the last time you heard Alexa?' he asked, "This afternoon, she's been here," she said. He kept searching for days until he got a call from his friend.

Meanwhile with Alexandra, they had tied her up on a chair and they had given and done everything to her. Luca got a call, 'I found them, I'll send you the address.'Okay,Perfect. Thanks!' Luca said and they left immediately.

"Do you want to know why you're here?" a man asked and she was silent.'Your husband, boyfriend,fiancé I don't care much about killed my girlfriend .'He said.'And then I'll take revenge!' he said angrily. Alexandra, meanwhile, tried to untie her hands and almost succeeded after catching all kinds of blows. She had gotten herself loose and she started slapping the chair until she had a weapon. She had gotten something that made her weak. She was walking along a path that was right between trees and she heard noise. She just fell and couldn't get up. She saw blurry Luca and the others from afar.'Shoot everybody you see.'Luca shouted.He lifted Alexandra.

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