Chapter 3- What Happened?

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Miranda's pov

Every time I wake up still stuck here, it makes me unbearably mad. I turn back over and cover my head with the blanket. "Why me? I want to go home!" I whimper. I heard the TV going on. It was really loud. I grumpily get up and walk out there only to see the living room completely changed into a wrestling ring. I'm so confused. I nervously walk downstairs as Pete and Thomas walk into the ring. "What's going on?" I gape confused. Nicole and Briar were on the couch, looking bored. "The boys wanted to wrestle." Briar says, shrugging. "Lucky for them we don't have to follow TV schedules and can watch what we want whenever or I'd be beating their heads in." I guess she wanted to watch some show. She passes a bag of popcorn to me. I grab a small handful and settle on the couch beside them as the boys go at it. I guess it's all in good fun. "How ya doing?" Nicole asks. I shrug, feeling another wave of homesickness hit me. "I just miss my mom and brother so much. I... I mean are they even looking for me? Am I missing in the real world?" The girls stare at me shocked. "Whoa I never even thought about shit like that. I sit there contemplating and create a phone again. "Maybe I can use messenger!" I whisper, pulling up my phone's Facebook messenger. I see my mom's face. My heart breaks again as I try to send a message and it just says message failed. I try not to cry and go to regular Facebook but the same thing happens. I angrily throw the phone but it disappears before it even hits the wall. I hear rustling in the kitchen. I walk in there and see Jase cooking a grilled cheese. The old fashioned way. Nostalgia shoots through me. I sit at the table. "Mind making me one too? I feel like it'd taste better." He smiles over his shoulder at me. "You know it does, sister." I guess we can't interact with the real world but we can still play games on a phone. "Hey Jase, what do you think happens to us in the real world?" His hands freeze up, he becomes stiff, maybe in surprise. I don't know. "I... I never thought about it." Nobody has but me? That's weird. I guess that's why I'm a Ravenclaw. I'm always curious. He looked sad. I quickly walked over. "You okay?" He sighs and nods. "Just... Missin' my folks. Wonderin' how they handled it. I was the black sheep of my family after all." Hm. I wonder why. "Why do you say that?" He shrugs, looking even sadder. "My brothers took to sports which of course made my dad happy and my sister loved to cook which took a load off my mom. And me? Well... I took to music. Which mainly just annoyed everyone in the house. I loved to play guitar and write songs. I tried baseball but I hated it. I kept doing it to make my dad like me like he piked my brothers." Damn. Coming from that would he even want to come back? I nervously sat at the table and made a phone again. I noticed the percentage is always at 100 no matter how long I use it. I look up at the tall cowboy. "Hey Jase what's your last name?" "Why?" He asks, turning around and setting the food on the table. "I wanted to look something up. He looks nervous. "If you're looking up what happens when we come here, I don't want to know." "Why not?" I ask. He looks away and shrugs. "I just don't." Poor guy. "How're ya holdin' up anyway?" He asks, taking a bite. I set the phone down and grab the other one. "Still missing my mom and brother. And I'm still going to keep trying to go home." He sighs, looking sad. "I wish we could." I hate seeing him so sad. "I won't give up." He stared at me for the longest time, looking scared which obviously confused me. "My name is actually Jason Williams." Oh. "You want me to look it up now?" He nods, wrapping his arms around himself. I pull up the google search engine and type the name.

Jase's pov

She typed on her phone for a little while. The screen shone in her face with a mix of colors but I had no idea what any of it said and it had me scared. Finally after what felt like centuries, she set it down and slid it over. It was an old news article from the 80s. It made me nauseous. They thought I was a runaway. "This is an article six months after your disappearance." She says, sounding nervous. "So we... We do disappear?" She nods. She takes it back and clicks into a different one. "It says that your parents thought you were a runaway but after a few months, they expected you to come back and when you didn't, they started an investigation." Wow. My heart is racing. "Th-They actually looked for me." I shakily say, shocked. "Of course they did. They love you." I miss them so much. I hate that they've been worried all these years. "Here's an article from this year." She says. Whoa. It had a picture of what they thought I'd look like 30 years later. I don't age here so I haven't changed a bit. I look the same age as I did thirty years ago. "Your mom is still holding out hope." Wow.

Miranda's pov

He starts to cry and honestly I don't blame him. I'm too afraid to look myself up and see what happened to me. "Are you okay?" "I... I always thought my parents would be glad to get rid of me. I c-can't believe they've been looking for me after all these years." I hug him. "We will find a way to get out of here. Because I won't give up."

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