Chapter 18- Jase

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I was just your typical farm boy. I played baseball with my brothers although I wasn't great at it. Dad cheered us on at the games anyway. In fact, that fateful summer day in 1981, I had just gotten over a baseball injury to my hand. It had been in a cast for a good four weeks. I wasn't supposed to use it too much because it still needed to get used to being used again. I certainly shouldn't have snuck uncle Bobby's motorbike. Dad was worried the injury had caused me to lose any scholarship chance. Little did he know, I'd never get the chance to. Me and Ben had walked down to the ice cream store on the corner of Salem Drive and Prinze way. We were talking about a certain girl we both liked. But she was way out of our league. She wouldn't date no dirty ol farm boy. "I bet she would if I had a motorcycle like Bobby's. You remember she was all over that blonde guy when he pulled up." Ben laughed and said, "You know dad said not to drive that thing. Not to mention, you don't know how to drive one!" I glare at him and we finish our ice cream. I flexed my hand. It was still super sore. I wonder how long til I could play guitar again. I didn't much care for baseball. I only went because that's what all my brothers did and dad seemed to like it. Looking back now, I guess he thought with a baseball career, we'd be set for life. Anyway I saw that gorgeous dame threw the window of some shop. "I have a plan." I say, sneaking to the window and looking in. It was a clothing shop. That doesn't surprise me. Girls and their clothes. I laughed just thinking about it. "Your plans always end in disaster." Ben grumbles, beside me. I know I shouldn't but hey what harm can it do? I'll be careful. I open the shop door. "Hey Jessica, it's always a pleasure." I say, tipping my cowboy hat. She laughs slightly. "What's your name again?" She asks, making my face burn. "I... Um my name's Jason, but most folks call me Jase. So I was wondering if you wanted to go for a ride on my blue and black Harley." "Your-" Ben starts but I elbow him in the gut to shut him up. "Don't ruin this for me." I gripe. "Since when did you have a cycle?" She asks, crossing her arms with a smirk. "I... Uh well... It's... My uncle gave it to me. Wanted to cheer me up after I hurt my hand but I mean I don't need cheering up... B-But ya know. Don't look a gift horse in the teeth... Or however that saying goes." She laughs again, only making me more embarrassed. "So anyway? How's about that ride?" "Oh alright. You talked me into it. Let's go see your bike." She points to her convertible and we get in. I flex my hand again. "Please don't fail me now." I whisper hopeful. Ben looks scared. "Jase don't do this. It's not safe." "I know how to drive Ben. Just cause I don't got a license-" "You failed the test three times because you were driving recklessly." I roll my eyes. "Nah that guy was too much of a stickler." I ignore his pleas and give directions to Bobby's house. He was on vacation with my aunt and cousins. So I knew he wouldn't be home. I'll just "borrow" it and return it before he even knows it's gone. A few hours in, my hand had been cramping up and hurting for well over half an hour. It was getting on my nerves. "OK bro you've had your fun. Let's put it back!" Ben gasps, worried. "No way dude she's starting to like me." He looks so frustrated. "Hey bonehead. She doesn't like you. She likes who you're pretending to be!" He says, slapping his forehead. Who cares? As long as I get the girl that's all that matters. "Yo Jessica! Wanna see me do a cool trick!" Ben looks ten times more worried. "Relax." I whisper. She cheers excitedly. I press the accelerator and aim for the skateboard ramp someone left lying in the street. I was going to hit the brake because I was going a little too fast for my liking but my hand didn't want to cooperate. Damned baseball. I hit the ramp way too fast and flew at least 12 feet into the air, bike and all. The ground plummeted up on me fast. I hit the ground hard and couldn't move but what's worse, the bike crashed on top of me. I heard Ben scream my name. He rushed over and tried to pull it off me but the metal dug more into me and it hurt so bad. The hot metal had melted my skin in a matter of seconds. I didn't think anything could be this bad. Ben tried to call for help. "Get Jessica. She'll be able to drive me to the hospital." I struggle to say, the pain unbearable. "Oh no thanks, kiddo. Not getting blood in my new seats." She says, horrifying me. Ben screamed profanities then ran to the nearest house. He banged on the door desperate. I could hear his desperate cries for help. I heard people running over but I didn't have any fight left in me. The pain was too much to bear. "I'm sorry son. Your brother is dead." I heard them say as my body gave up fighting.

Miranda was crying beside the young cowboy as he told his story. "That must've been terrible." She cried, hugging him. He was trying not to cry himself. "I... I'm not hurting anymore." He says, smiling through the tears rolling down his face. He kissed the young brunette one last time before he felt the call the others felt before him. He looked at the sky then back at the darling girl. "Don't worry I'll be right behind you." She says, reassuring the nervous cowboy. He finally lets go of his fears, doubts, and anger and allows himself.... Something... He hasn't felt.... In years. Peace.

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