Chapter 9-Everything Changes

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Miranda's pov

We were still laying in bed, snuggling. "There's something I forgot to mention." He murmurs, my head laying on his chest and my arms wrapped around his neck. "What is it?" I ask. "We sorta made this deal. We all agreed on it that we wouldn't date anyone here." I sit up, trying to figure out what this means for us. "I... I.. Well in case we broke... Broke up.... W-With us being trapped together.... It would b-be awkward." "What're you saying?" I ask, my voice shaking. "I'm... I shouldn't... We shouldn't have.. I.. I'm sorry... I just-" "But you said you loved me!" I cry, standing up. He sits up quickly. "I do! I do love you! That's why I'm scared when the others find out! They'll give us hell!" I freeze and turn back around. He looks so scared. "Find out? I... I thought you were-" "No." He quickly says, getting off the bed and walking to me. "Forgive me. Talking is not my strong suit. Especially around hot girls." I still don't know what he sees in me. I'm not nor have I ever been good looking. He hugs me. "Don't worry. We'll catch hell but they can't stay mad forever." "I thought you were gonna-" "No. Never." He says, holding me tight. We go to the living room. Nobody even seemed to notice. Thank goodness. "We gotta figure out something to do with Jack. He will end up finding a way out of that room eventually."

Jason's pov

"Why do we have to do anything? He can't hurt us! We just ignore his stupid antics and he'll eventually get bored." I say, sitting on the couch. Briar and Nicole were playing a card game. Pete and Thomas were having this little meeting. "He's a psycho. Not to mention, it'll get annoying as heck!" Thomas annoyedly says, glaring at the door. Jack throws himself against it. "Wait how'd he-" "Were you still thinking about the rope?" Thomas interrupts, crossing his arms. Damn. Nothing was on my mind but that hot little number. I shake my head and sit back down. Just then Jack shoves the door open,  falling flat on his face. He jumps up,  glaring angrily at us. Crud. "That wasn't very nice." He growls, angrily clenching his fists. "Stop acting like some johnny badass. We can't get hurt, Dingus! We've told you that!" "Well then what's stopping you from letting me have fun then?" Why does he consider trying to hurt people fun? What a weirdo. "I'm honestly not in the mood to give a damn." Thomas sits beside me. "We'll try your idea." He whispers, turning on the TV. "Oh hey I'm gonna make some bagels. Who wants one?" Pete says, walking into the center of the room, semi blocking the TV, thoroughly annoying Briar and Nicole. Nobody really cares so he goes to the kitchen. Heh, he's actually gonna make them instead of creating them out of thin air? Cool. "Hey Pete, I'll have a couple if you're making them the old fashioned way!" "Alright!" "Pay Attention to me!" Jack angrily shouts, stomping his foot like a little piss baby. "Hey Miranda let's go upstairs and do girl things." She says, grabbing her hand. What the? Girl things? Even Miranda was confused. "Like what?" "Painting our nails, styling our hair. You know teenager stuff." What the crud? She glances at Jack. "I guess so. But I don't do makeup." Briar laughs and the three girls go upstairs. "Did anyone else find that weird?" I ask.

Miranda's pov

"Oh my gosh! You are totally crushing on Jase!" Briar says when we close the door. My brain instantly decided to play the stupid game. "What.. I... What are you talking about?" "It's written all over your face! You like him!" I rub my arm nervous after what Jase told me. "You know we can't. It's against our rules." Nic says. "Rules schmules! Let's have some fun!! And juicy details!" Briar excitedly says, sitting on the bed and making a bowl of popcorn. "You don't like him do you?" Nic asks, looking concerned. "I... Uh I.. Well he's cool... I guess." Briar laughs but Nicole looks worried. "I know he likes you too!" She exclaims, pointing. Crap. "He does?" Nicole cries. "God dang it this goes against everything we've tried to uphold!" "I'm sorry guys! It's not like we meant for it to happen. It just did!" I say, frustrated. I don't care if we're locked here for all eternity. I'm not going to fight my feelings on the off chance it becomes awkward! That's stupid. "I'm done here." I say, opening the door, only to come face to face with Jack. "Got bored of the boys ignoring you." He smirks but doesn't say anything and grabs my arm. "Let go of me." I mutter annoyed. He drags me downstairs. "We're gonna play a little game." He says, creating a dagger. Ugh he is the worst person here. He pushes me against the wall making Jason and Pete jump up defensively. "Lay off man!" Pete says. Jason looks scared. Poor guy. We can't get hurt. "Let's try something." He says, smiling sadistically and pressing the knife to my cheek. To my shock, I can feel it against my skin. His smirk becomes more demented and he pushes it harder. He actually cuts me, making me cry out. He chuckles. "I knew it." "How'd he do that?!!" Pete cries as Thomas tries to pull him away. "Get the fuck away from her!" Jason yells, throwing him off me. "Are you okay?" He cries, touching my bleeding cheek. "How... H-How'd he.." I whimper, shaking. "I don't know but you can bet he won't do it again." He growls, furious. His teeth were grit in anger. My cheek hurts so bad.

Jason's pov

How does he know so much more about this place than we do?! I just don't get it. "You underestimate the term anything dear boy." Why does he keep calling me that? Pete and Thomas try to grab him but he dodges and pushed Pete to the floor. He creates another fire sword and my heart is pounding out of my chest with fear. I stand protectively in front of her. "You won't hurt her." I say. He chuckles. "I don't care who I hurt." He growls, sending the sword aimed for me. I shakily back up, terrified. The sword barely missing me. "Stop moving!" He yells, slinging it at me again and this time, grazing my shoulder and chest. To my fear, a searing burning pain fires through me, bringing me to my knees. "Jason!" She cries, falling beside me. This can't be real?! How can he hurt us?! How can he make me completely rethink and doubt everything about this world. The world I've grown accustomed to. "Stop it! Stop hurting people!" Briar angrily shouts, hiding behind Pete. He just smiles that creepy smile. "Until next time." He whispers then giddily laughs before taking off up the staircase. "Well now west the hell are we supposed to do?!" Thomas gasps as Pete pulls himself up and pops his back. I took my shirt off, the pain engulfing me in waves. There was a long red stripe of burned flesh on my chest and shoulder. "How..." I shakily murmur. It slowly starts to heal. I glance at Miranda. Her cheek was already healed. I pull her into a tight hug as she starts crying. Poor girl. "It's alright. We're alright."

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