Chapter 16- Pete

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Everyone turned to look at the tall overall clad brunette. It was his turn to speak. The young farm boy was nervous and tensed up as everyone stared at him. He was used to being the spotlight. He was the funny man. He made light of hopeless or dark situations both in the realm of the living and of the dead. But the boy solemnly stared at his name etched in stone. He gently touched the cold aged piece of rock. He couldn't come up with a quip. He couldn't think up a wise crack. Pete, the class clown, was now Pete, the boy who drown.

It was the summer of 1950. We had just gotten out of summer school. Neither me nor my twin brother Neil were the best at schooling. And history was just boring. Who the heck is interested about some World War 2 hero named Something Brady. Heh. I had already forgotten. "It's summer baby!" I yelled, running down the hill taking my shoes off and reaching the lake me and my brother visited often. Neil didn't much care for the water but he always joined me and sat on the bank. "Wow. The rain must have raised the water level. The current is strong." He said, making me laugh. "Oh who cares! We're finally free of that wretched prison!" I say, grabbing the rope swing and jumping in. The water was moving pretty fast. Surprisingly fast. "Pete be careful! You'll get swept away!" I couldn't care less. Heck if I got swept away, I wouldn't have to worry about school anymore. Boring! "Come on Neil, the water's great!" He put his feet in the water and sat on the bank. "No thanks brother. I don't want to get my clothes wet." He's such a boring do gooder. I splashed him and swam away, trying not to laugh. He yelled profanities in frustration. I couldn't stop laughing. "Then come swimming with me, unless you're chicken!" I grab hold of a tree as he takes his shirt off, angrily. "You gonna get me back, huh?" I call, giddy with excitement. He waded into the water, trying to keep balance. I dove underwater and swam up to him. I pulled his shorts down and he screamed. I jumped up and he batted me right in the ear. "Yowch!" I holler than laugh. "Hey I got a good one. What do ya call a guy who doesn't know how to swim?" He glares at me crossing his arms. I try to stop laughing and say, "Neil!" He rolls his eyes. "Real funny Pete. Can we go home now? I'm freezing." "Nah man let's have some fun!" I say, swimming on my back. I close my eyes, enjoying the warm breeze. Suddenly Neil dunks me under. I sputter, caught by surprise. He laughs as I come back up for air. Then the tree comes down on top of us. My head was barely above water but I couldn't find Neil anywhere. I ducked under the water searching for him. I could feel part of the tree poking me something fierce and I couldn't move my leg. My side burned like there was a hot iron to it. I tried to pull free but the twisted root was stuck deep. I cried out in pain and realized my leg was trapped under the tree. But where was Neil! Where was my baby brother?! He had to be okay!! Oh I shouldn't have made him come in the water. Then suddenly something broke the surface. I saw my brother's face. Blood dripped down his forehead over his eye. "Pete! Oh God!! Your leg." It hurt to move. I tried to stay above water but the waves.... The current... My pain weighed me down. He pulled with all his might. "Are you okay?" I ask, coughing some water out of my lungs. I tried to turn over but that just made me scream in pain. His eyes were filled with desperation. "I have to get you out!" He cries, trying to pull me free. But its no use. This tree weighs more than dad's Cadillac. There's no way my nerdy little brother could get me out. I coughed and felt something sticky land on my chin. "B-Blood!" He shakily gasps. I felt his hand under my back. "Keep fighting for me Pete. Don't quit." It hurt so bad. All I wanted to do was close my eyes. He tried shouting for help but there was nobody around. "Go get help." I say. The current almost toppled him over. "Please. Don't die too. Go get someone!" "I sure as heck can't leave ya, Pete! You'll drown in this current!" He cries, astonished, holding onto me, barely keeping my head above water. "Ya can't stay here, Neil. You'll drown too. Go find daddy. Or a policeman. Maybe he'll have some tools." He started to cry. "By then it'll be too late!" The current knocks him off his feet and my head falls below the water. I try to get to the surface but it's impossible. He grabs me back and I cough and choke on the water. "Go before you drown too. I love you." I shakily say. He hugs me, crying. "I can't lose ya, Pete!" "Hey Neil..." I felt my consciousness wavering. "What do ya call a line of rabbits walkin'... Backwards.... In a straight.... Line?" I force myself to say, holding onto his shirt. He struggled to hold me above water. I know it's no use. I wish he'd get outta the water. "A receding hairline." I mumble, losing my grip on my brother's shirt and on my own consciousness. I could barely hear him calling for me. I slowly opened my eyes one last time to see Neil crawl out of these raging rapids. I could make out he was yellin' my name but it was already too late for me. But not for Neil. He made it out of the water and that's what mattered.

The young boy was shaken and fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around himself. He didn't realize but he kneeled right on top of his own grave. He looked at it, trying not to start crying again. He traced the letters of his name. "1935-1950." He read aloud. "You alright, Pete?" Briar asks, kneeling beside him. The boy smiles. "Hey Briar, what do ya call a boy who's finally goin' home?" She looks at him questioningly and slightly worried. "Pete Stasham." He stands up, smiling through his tears. "Not my best work but I've kinda got alot on my mind." Briar smiles, trying not to cry and hugs the young man. "You're so funny Pete." The gentle teen holds her hand as she kisses his cheek. "Goodbye Pete." She says. The warm embrace that welcomed the first two lost souls now beckons to Pete. The boy who could always make you laugh. Even if it was just a cheesy pun. He waved goodbye and ascended to the beautiful calm serenity.

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