Chapter 19- Miranda

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And then there were two. She knelt beside Jack who still hadn't moved. He had been crying for the better half of an hour. "Jack you have to tell your story. You may never get a chance like this again. You deserve to be at peace." He shook his head. "No I don't. Not after the things I've done." He glances at the door, leading back to the house. "I will fight my urges of hurting people but I can't leave. I don't deserve it." "Yes you do." I say, grabbing his hand gently. He forced a smile through the cascading tears. "I... I'm going to stay at the house. Who knows? Someone needs to be there to show them the ropes and what to do to leave." My heart hurts for the poor kid. "I'll be okay, Miranda. I promise. Just go. I know Jase is waiting for you." I was so worried. The young mentally disturbed teenager stood up and walked back through the haunting door, his hands in his pockets and his feet dragging on the ground. The door shut behind him and disappeared. I turned back to Mike. I guess it's my turn. I'm worried about Jack but now there's no way for me to help him. The door is gone. "It's your turn." Mike says, walking over. I take a deep breath reliving that awful day.

We went to Six Flags in St. Louis. We were having a blast. Me and Sean. We were waiting in a super long line to get on one of the most talked about rollercoasters. "The boss" It sent chills down my back. It went in a loop several times but at the last one, it held itself at the top so the patrons were upside down. I was excited but also nervous after all the junk food we ate before going on. The line moved too slow in the group line so we went in the single rider line. We probably wouldn't go together but who cares. What felt like hours, I made it to the front of the line. "Ha! In your face!" I say pointing at my younger by six minutes twin brother. He rolled his eyes. "I'll wait for you to get off and pee your pants, don't worry!" He calls. "Love you!" I say, waving. "Tolerate you too." He jokes. I roll my eyes. We love to pick on each other. Who knew he'd regret not saying love you. Because it would've been the last time he could while I was alive. I ran onto the ride and the worker set the seatbelt to the tightest notch. I was after all pretty small. Even for 16 years old. I barely reached the height requirement. They set the coaster going. We went through 4 loops before it did the getting stuck at the top thing. That part freaked me out the most. I held the bars tight, my hands shaking and my eyes shut tight. I knew if I opened them, I'd puke or panic. Suddenly I heard this weird metal screeching sound. I shakily opened my eyes, refusing to look at the ground. Who woulda thought what I saw in front of me was more terrifying. The front cars on the coaster came loose from the track while we were stuck at the top! I could hear the terrified screams of the people. I couldn't stop crying. I wished and prayed that we wouldn't fall. But they fell on deaf ears as the whole coaster plummeted 40 feet to the ground, crushing us all under it. At least, I died quickly.

I was shaking just thinking about it. My heart hurt, imagining how terrified and upset my poor brother was. Mike looked at me jawdropped. "I read about that on the news!" He gasps, pointing at me. I glance down at my grave. There was a small statue of an angel perched on the top of it and fresh daisies in the flower holder. They were no more than a week old. I shakily wrap my arms around myself, feeling the tears run down my face. "How... How long ago was it? Time passed weirdly in that house." "4 months ago." He says, looking worriedly at me. I try to be strong. "Please try to tell my brother Sean that I'm okay. I want him to know I'm alright." He nods, staring sadly at me. "I promise I will." He says. I smile. "Thank you. Thank you so much for listening. You've saved us." He smiles. "I'm glad I could help." The sky fills with the most beautiful light I've ever seen. That sense of peace I saw on my friends' faces rushes through me. "I'm coming guys." I whisper, happy for the first time in four months. Even if it didn't feel like that.

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