Chapter 11- Twenty Questions And Something New

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Jason's pov

We thought of something fun to do. Something we shoulda done a long time ago. Talking about our lives before coming here. Spin the bottle style. Whoever it lands on, the group asks a question and we have to answer it honestly. We were all sitting cross legged on the floor. Hell even Jack joined in. Thankfully he's held off trying to hurt us for a while. The bottle lands on Nicole. "Ooh I've got one I've been dying to know. What year are you from?" Pete asks, pointing at her. "1879." She says, looking a little red faced. "Oh you're from the wild west era! That's my kinda party." I say, taking my cowboy hat off. "Yeah back in the day, I knew my way around a six shooter pistol." She says, smiling. "I'm sure you've still got the stuff." Jack says, creating a gun. Crap. "Stop it!" I say, grabbing his wrist. "What I'm just joking!" He gasps defensively, getting rid of it. "Seriously Jack what's your damage?" Thomas asks, crossing his arms. "Nuh uh uh, the bottle didn't land on me." He says, wrapping his arms around his legs. God he's weird. I don't know what to think of him. Nicole spins the bottle and it surprisingly lands on Miranda. I don't know why but I get nervous. "What kinda fancy technology do we have in the future?" Briar asks. "Ooh like flying cars? Or teleporters!" Her and Jack both laugh. "I wish!" She says, waving her hand through the air. "Cell phones which I've already shown you. Laptops." She creates one and it looks pretty cool. "Oh We have these cool devices that are super tall and use wind energy to power cities. Along with water. It's called hydroelectricity! It's pretty cool." "Elemental magic?" Nicole says, looking shocked. "Heh not magic just human innovation." She says, shrugging. Man I wonder how tall they are. I bet they look cool. She spins the bottle and it lands on Thomas. "Can you name one thing good about coming here?" Pete asks. His eyes went wide. Then he looked angry. "Not starving to death or freezing at night, I guess." Well that got depressing quick. He spins it, looking annoyed. It lands on Jack. "Ok weirdo, why do you keep trying to hurt us?" I say, crossing my arms. He looks annoyed. "Based on hippa I don't have to release my medical records!" He says, crossing his arms, holding his head high and closing his eyes in a snooty rich boy attitude. "What the crap is he talking about?" "Lemme guess some kinda mental illness you're ashamed of." Miranda says. He stares at her shocked. "How'd you know?" "We're from the same time period genius. I know about mental illness." She replied, glaring at him. "OK fine. Yeah it's.... Well the doctor said I am a sociopath. Not sure what it means." "You're also a bit of a sadist." OK they're using big words this ol cowboy don't understand. Suddenly I felt a strange vibration through the whole house. I can tell by how it went dead silent they felt it too. "Did anyone else feel that?" I ask anyway. "Y-Yeah what was that?" Briar gapes, standing up. I don't know but it was weird. "It almost reminded me of a jet engine." Jack said, walking to the front door. As if it'll open! The weird vibration reverberated again. I could feel it in my bones. It felt like it was rattling my teeth. "What in tarnation is that?!" Nicole shouts. "It sounds like it's coming from the other side of this door!" "Like that matters. That stupid door hasn't ever even been opened! It won't budge." Nicole says, annoyed. Jack leans his back against the door. "What could it possibly be?" The sound shoots through the house, stronger this time. Almost like an earthquake! I feel nauseous. "Anybody else feel sick to their stomach?" Pete mumbles, sitting down on the floor. He's got the right idea. "It feels like we're on a boat in the open ocean during a hurricane." I gasp, trying to steady my shaking legs. I slowly sit down, not liking this feeling. Everyone else was in a similar state. "Well what's in store for us this time?" Thomas mutters, bracing himself against the couch as another shockwave hits us. I hear Pete groan in pain. I could hear Briar crying but I was in no condition to stand up. My girlfriend crawls over. "What's going on, Jase?" She whimpers, holding her stomach. I hated seeing her in so much pain. "I don't know, hun." I say, hugging her. "Maybe whatever it is will eventually pass." I lay back down, the pain draining me. I think I'll take a nap.

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