1: ~I hate talking~

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Hi, I'm Harry, Harry Edward Styles. I'm 17 years old and I'm in the last year of high school, and my parents thought to be funny and move to another city in my fucking last year. We moved to Doncaster a week ago and today is my first day at my new school. I hate to make friends, I have a fear of commitment. A few fun facts about me, I love to sing and play the guitar, I have a older sister Gemma, she's three years older than me and my parents are big homophobes.

I walk into my new school, here we go. Another year of introducing myself to everyone. Another year of sitting alone because I'm to scared to talk to anyone and no one want to talk to me either. And probably another year of getting bullied. That's the only thing I love about moving. No one knows who you are, so I can avoid the bullying for the first few weeks. I wrote the classroom number on my hand, I'm a person who forgets everything so this is probably the smartest thing I've ever done. Classroom 235. I have literally no idea where it is so I guess I just follow the signs.

I'm the first one in the room, my parents said I need to go to school early today. They didn't give a reason, but I don't care. There's a man around 25 or something sitting at the desk, he's probably my mentor since i have mentor hour. 'Uhm hello', I say silently. 'Hello, are you the new guy? Harry, right?', I nod. 'Hello, I'm Liam Payne, so you need to say Mr. Payne or sir', He smiles before he continues his story. 'And I'm your mentor for this year.' There walk some students into the classroom, they give me a weird look but sit down at some tables. 'You can go sit too, I'll ask someone to sit next to you later', I nod again. Fuck, someone's going to sit next to me. That means I need to talk. I hate talking, I sit down in the back of the class.

A few minutes later there are a few other students in the classroom too. I don't give them attention. I look at the door, there walk three boys in into the room. One with blond hair and blue eyes and one with black hair and brown eyes. But my eye falls on the third boy, he has brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. The blond guy has a accent, he sounds Irish. 'Louis!', Mr. Payne calls. The boy with brown hair walks to Mr. Payne, the other boys sits down at the tables in front of me. 'Louis, do you want to sit next to the boy with curly hair in the back? He's new, his name is Harry.' Louis nods. 'Oh sure! Otherwise I would sit alone so that's fine!', he smiles, a beautiful smile. Louis wants to walks to me but Mr. Payne stops him. 'Can I talk with you about your grades for a moment?'

The boys in front of me turn around. 'Are you new curly?', asks the boy with black hair grinning. I nod. 'So, your not talking at all?', the blond guy laughs a bit mean at me. 'I think he lost his tongue Niall', laughs the boy with black hair, it's sounds mean too. 'Guys, shut up, be nice to him', Louis walks towards us. 'Can I sit here?', he asks to me, I nod, he smiles and sits down next to me. 'Don't be mean to him, I thought you stopped bullying', he says to the other guys, his voice's a bit mad. 'Sorry, you're right', the black hair guy says. 'Sorry uhm....', says the guy named Niall. 'Harry', I say. 'Sorry Harry', says Niall, he smiles at me.

'Sorry, I didn't introduced myself. I'm Louis, I'm 19 years old. The guy with black hair is Zayn, he's 18 years old. And the guy with blond hair is Niall, he's 17', Louis says. 'Uhm, yeah, I'm Harry and I'm also 17', I say, Louis smiles. 'That's a nice name! You don't really love to talk do you?' I shake my head. 'That's okay! And just ignore Zayn and Niall if there mean, they were bully's a few years ago but I stopped them, now they're very nice!', Louis pats Zayn friendly on the shoulder.

'Yeah, he-', Niall wants to say something but Mr. Payne starts the lesson. 'I'd like if everyone goes to sit', he waits a moment until everyone sits and look at him. 'Great, so, maybe you notice there's a new face in the classroom, that's right', Everyone looks at me. 'Do you wanna introduce yourself?', he asks. 'U-Uhm yeah, that's okay....', I stutter. Fuck, this is going to be really bad. 'Yeah.... Uhm.... I-I'm Harry Styles and I-I'm 17 years o-old', fuck, why am I stuttering like this? A few students whispers. 'Do you have some hobby's?', someone asks. I don't want anyone to know I love singing. I really get bullied about that on my last school. 'Uhm.... Yeah I-I like football and I can play guitar', I say, someone want to ask something but Mr. Payne sees I'm anxious. 'Alright guys, thank you Harry , let's start with the lesson now.'

After this lesson we have Math, I'm literally so fucking bad at math. 'Do you want to sit next to me again?', asks Louis, he walks next to me. 'Uhm yeah, if you don't have another person to sit next to', I answer. 'I could sit next to Joyce, but she's a bit obsessed with me', he laughs. His laugh is so beautiful... I shrug of that thought. I'm not in love with him or something, my parents will never except that. Niall and Zayn walks with us too now. 'So, Harry, wanna be one of us now?', Zayn asks. I'm startled, what does he mean with that? Louis sees I'm startled. 'Don't worry Harry, he just means if you are at our friend group now, do you want that?', he asks. 'If you all are okay with that.... I guess', I say. 'Of course we are! And Zayn doesn't like people very soon, so this is literally a miracle', laughs Niall. Wow, I just made friends and it wasn't that scary. But I'm a bit afraid about my other classmates.

Louis and I are sitting together at math. The teacher, miss Johnson, is explaining something but I don't understand any of it. 'You look like you don't understand it', whispers Louis. 'That's because it is so...', I sight. 'I really don't understand this.' 'Harry? What were you saying?', asks miss Johnson. 'Oh uhm n-nothing', I say. 'Can you make this exercise for me?', she asks. I look at the numbers on the whiteboard, I can't make anything up of it. 'Uhm.... No sorry....', I say, some students begin to laugh silently. 'Why not?', she asks. 'I-I don't understand', I say. 'Try it, you didn't even try it yet!', she says. 'I-I'm sorry miss, but I really don't understand this', I say, my eyes begin to tear up. Students start to laugh now. Louis looks worried at me. 'I'll do it miss', he says to miss Johnson. 'C-can I use the bathroom please?', I ask, miss Johnson nods. I stand up and walk towards the door of the classroom. 'He literally can't even do this exercise! He's so dumb', whispers a boy to another boy. I got to get away from here.

I lock myself in a toilet and sit down. I start to cry, silent tears run over my cheeks. That boy was right, if I can't even understand a simple math exercise, how can I get my diploma? I run a hand trough my hair. Why am I like this? 'Harry? Are you here?', I here a Irish accent say. It's Niall. I sob. 'Harry, please, unlock the door', he says. I sight and unlock the door. Niall sees I'm crying and open his arms. 'Want a hug?', I look doubtfully at him. 'I don't bite Harry, it's okay', he smiles. I stand up and hug him. I try not to cry. 'You can cry, that's okay, I'm here for you', Niall says, that's it, I start to cry in his arms. 'I'm so fucking dumb...', I whisper. 'Hey, don't put yourself down like that, your not dumb, I promise.'

After a minute Niall let me go. 'Are you feeling better?' I nod. 'A bit I guess, thank you.' He smiles. 'No problem.' 'Don't you need to be in class?', I ask, Niall laughs. 'No, I was sent out, I said she didn't need to push you like that', I smile. 'Thanks.' 'No problem, I'm your friend, friends do that sort of things.'

I walk back to class, miss Johnson looks weird at me. 'That takes you long.' 'Yeah, sorry', I say, I sit down next to Louis again. Miss Johnson continues the lesson. 'Have you cried?', Louis observers me. 'Yeah, but Niall comforted me', I say. 'That's nice from him.' 'Yeah, it is.' The whole lesson I try to understand what's happening but I can't understand anything what the teacher's saying. After the lesson it's break, Louis, Zayn and I walk to the director's office to wait for Niall. 'You didn't really understood what Johnson said do you?', asks Zayn, I shake my head. Niall walks out the office, we walk to the cafeteria. 'I can help you with your math if you want?', asks Louis. 'Do you really want that?', I ask surprised. 'Yeah of course!', I smile. 'I would love to, thanks.' 'Would you like to give me your number? I'll put you in our groups chat then', says Louis, I nod and give him my phone.

I shut the door behind me. 'I'm home!', I say. Gemma walks towards me. 'Hey Haz! How was your day?', she asks. 'Uhm yeah fine, I made some friends! They're really nice', I say. Gemma looks surprised but proud. 'Really? That's really good from you Haz! I'm proud of you!' I hug her. 'Thanks Gem.'

Chapter one! Leave your feedback in the comments :)

-x Britt

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