6: ~Louis looks at me and gives me a hug~

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The next day I wake up with a big headache, I cried myself to sleep last night. I just kept thinking about what mom and dad would do when they found out I'm in love with Louis. Do I need to ignore Louis? No, I can't do that. And it goes on like that. I look at my phone and notice I'm almost late for school. I put on some clothes and make my bag ready. 'I'm at school!', I say when I'm done. 'Have fun!', Gemma says back. My parents say nothing, but I'm used to that. I'm still on time at school, a little early even, the classroom is still closed. Then I see Louis walk to me.

'Hello', I say. Louis looks at me and gives me a hug. I'm a bit surprised. 'Where did that came from?', I ask when he lets me go. 'I don't know, you looked like you needed a hug', he says, I smile softly. 'Thank you.' The whole time I spent with Louis I feel butterflies in my stomach. I try to ignore them but they're too strong. But I try to push my feelings away, how hard it is. Louis don't helps with that, he keeps being so lovely to me. When I try to fix my hair Louis grabs my wrist. 'Don't, your hair looks good like this', he says. 'You think?' 'Yeah, I like it when it's messy', he says smiling. 'It looks cute.' I feel my cheeks getting hot. 'Er, oh, y-you think?', I ask stuttering. Louis grins widely. 'Yeah, I think that', he says. He chuckles and focus on the lesson we're in.

At break I see Zayn sight, he opens his lunch box and starts to eat a sandwich, I see there's two in the box but after one he closes it. But I'm still proud of him. I inconspicuously raise my thumb to him. Zayn smiles. 'I go to the bathroom', Zayn says. I stand up and walk with him because he looks like he wants to talk to me. 'Thank you so much Lou', he says when we're at the bathroom, he hugs me. I smile. Zayn almost never hug people, he's really thankful. I hug him back. 'No problem Z, I'm happy I could help', I say. Zayn let me go. 'I think I'm gonna talk to Mr. Payne', he says. 'I think he can help me.' I'm a bit surprised by that. 'Really? That's so good from you!', I say happy. Zayn smiles soft. 'I want to get better', he says. I look proud at him. 'You're doing so well Z', I say. 'Thank you', Zayn says smiling. We walk into our science classroom and I sit down next to Harry.

'Haz?', I ask when we need to do our homework. 'What's up?', he asks back, smiling. 'I don't understand a fucking shit of this', I say, Harry laughs. 'Louis, watch your language', says Mr. Brown, our science teacher. 'It's not that hard, here, let me help', Harry says. He leans to me to look at my paper. 'Look, you have to divide 500 by 25, and then put it in the formula', he explains. He looks at me, our faces are a few inches away from each other. I feel a spark between us. 'Er...', Harry says, he looks at the paper again. 'A-and then you can calculate the answer using the formula', he stutters. 'Okay, thank you', I say, I see him blush. 'No problem.' When I'm looking at my homework again, I notice Harry leans back in his chair and sight softly. 'You okay?', Zayn asks, who's sitting with Niall behind us. 'Er, yeah, thanks', Harry says. And he focuses on his homework again.

Our next class is history. 'Can you please sit next to me? I'm a bit nervous', Zayn says. 'Yeah, of course, wait a second I'll say it to Harry', I say. I walk to Harry. 'Hi, is it okay if I sit next to Z?', I ask. Harry nods. 'Sure! I'll sit next to Niall', he says. Niall smiles. 'Yeah, nice!', he says. We sit down in our seats. 'Hello guys', says Mr. Payne to us when he walks into the classroom. I see Zayn swallow nervously. 'Sir?', he asks. Mr. Payne walks to our table. 'Yeah?', he says with a smile. 'Can I....', Zayn sights, I see how difficult it is for him. 'Can I maybe talk to you, after school?', he asks. Mr. Payne nods. 'Yeah, of course! Are you okay?', he asks. 'Er, yeah, I'm fine', Zayn says. 'Alright, you can come to this classroom after your last lesson okay?', Mr. Payne says. 'Okay, thank you.' When Mr. Payne walks back to his desk I pat Zayn friendly on his shoulder. 'Well done Z.'

After our last lesson I walk to the history classroom. 'Hi, Zayn, sit down', Mr. Payne says. I sit down at the table in front of his desk. 'You wanted to talk', he says, I nod and look nervously at my feet. 'Hey, don't be nervous, you don't have to be', he says, he smiles at me. 'It's okay, take your time okay?', he says when he notice I'm really nervous about this. 'T-Thank you s-sir', I say stuttering. 'Calm down Zayn, you don't have to say anything if you're not feeling good about it, okay?', he says, he puts  comforting his hand briefly on my arm. I take a deep breath. 'Yeah, thanks.' It's silent for a moment. ' I kind of relapsed my eating disorder', I say then. Mr. Payne leans a bit forwards. 'And.... I just think it's really difficult for me to eat', I say, I feel my eyes tear up. 'And I really want to get better, but I don't think I can handle it on my own', I say, my voice is high pitched and a bit wobbly. I feel tears stream down my face now. 'Sorry', I say soft. 'Hey, hey, don't be sorry, come here', he says. He stands up and opens his arms for a hug, without thinking I stand up and hug the teacher who isn't even very longer than me. I start to cry harder. 'Shh, calm down, it's okay, you're safe by me', Mr. Payne says. He rubs comforting my back.

Why does this feel so safe? Why does this feel so good? I don't know, but what I know is that this man can give amazing hugs. 'It's okay, it's okay', he whispers. 'You're safe here.' I notice he won't let go until I've stopped crying, when I finally calmed down he lets go of me and takes a step back. 'Thank you sir', I say with a hoarse voice from crying. 'No problem, and I'm gonna help you Zayn, we're going to make sure you get better', Mr. Payne says. 'Can you.... Don't tell it to someone else?', I ask. He smiles soft. 'Sure, I'll keep this as our secret okay? And if you don't feel good or just need a hug or something, I'll be always here for you', he says. I smile. 'Thank you, I really appreciate that.' 'Wait, I give you my number so you can text or call me when something's wrong, are you okay with that?', I nod. He writes his number down on a paper. 'And don't you dare put me in your contacts as "Mr. Payne" you know my first name', he says smiling when I walk to the door. I smile back. 'Okay, thank you!'

When I'm home I walk upstairs and grab my phone. I put Mr. Payne's number in my contacts, I'll keep staring at the name I need to give it. How the hell do I need to set my history teacher in my contacts when I'm not allowed to type: "Mr. Payne"? I sit there for like 10 minutes, then I just type: "Liam :)" I can always change it again. I decide to sent him a message.

Liam :)

You: Hello, Zayn here, I just wanted to say thank you again soooo, thank you :)

Liam :): Hi Zayn, no problem :) You didn't put me in your contacts as Mr. Payne, did you? ;)

You: After a while I decided to put you in as "Liam :)"

Liam :): Nice :)

Liam :): And please don't call me sir or something here please, you don't have to :)

You: Are you going to put a smiley face after all the texts your sending? :P

Liam :): I just love smiley faces :)

You: :)

Liam :): And don't be scared to sent me a text okay? Just pretend I'm your friend or something.

You: That's a bit akward because you're still my history teacher :P

Liam :): That's over in a few months Zayn. Then we can talk about whatever we want :P

You: You're not trying to flirt with me are you?

Liam :): That's a question for you and a know for me ;)

You: You fucking bully!

Liam :): Hey! Don't call me that, I'm still your history teacher ;)

'Hey Hazza', says Gemma when I walk into the living room. 'Hi, where are mom and dad?', I ask. 'They said they come home tonight, don't know where they went', she says. I nod. 'How was school?', she asks while giving me a mug of tea. 'Yeah, it was fine', I say. 'Nothing special happened.' 'How's Louis?', she asks. 'Er, yeah, fine I guess?' 'You need to invite him again! He's very nice', she says. 'Yeah...', I say. 'Harry, it's not your fault you like him, you can't do anything about it, it's okay', she says. 'You don't understand Gem.' I sight. 'It's very difficult you know, don't you realize that Mom and Dad are probably going to kick me out or something?', I say. 'Then I'll go with you', she says. I look surprised at her. 'If they don't accept their own son for who he is, I'll go with you.' I sight but laugh short, then I hug her. 'Thanks Gem.' 'No problem little one', she says, hugging me back. 'I'm taller then you! I'm not little', I say laughing. 'I don't care, you'll always be my little brother', she says. I roll my eyes. She's unbelievable.

Chapter 6 :P What d'you think about it :)
But the way Harry smiles in the picture though🥹❤️

Dear pain, why is love so hard? ~Larry Stylinson~Where stories live. Discover now