3: ~He hugs me tighter, like he would never let me go~

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I slept like 3 hours tonight, I can't help it. I thought the whole fucking night about what Gemma said. Do I like Louis? No I can't, I can't like him. Mom and dad would kill me. And it went the whole night like that. I played guitar to calm myself down and then I finally fall asleep. I walk downstairs. 'Harry, me and your mom are away today, we're sleeping at a hotel tonight', my dad says. 'Oh okay', I answer. 'Remember, no parties or something, you guys know the rules.' I nod. 'Alright dad, but I need to go to school now. See ya! Have fun!'

When I arrived at school Louis isn't there, I'm a bit confused. 'Hey guys, where's Louis?', I ask to Niall and Zayn. They laugh when they see the worry in my eyes. 'No worries Styles, he's at the hospital for his mom, he'll come second period, remember?', laughs Niall. I would love to slap myself in the face right now. 'Oh! Yeah, I forgot', I laugh. 'Ah, no problem, but why're you so worried?', Zayn asks. I shake my head. 'Dunno, he's just a good friend', Niall looks fake offended at me. 'What about us?', He can't hold his laugh. 'You too guys', I laugh. 'Don't worry.'

Louis walks in class second period. He sits down next to me. 'Morning', he says smiling. 'Morning!' I remember what my dad said this morning, I can invite the boys. Do I dare that? I look at my friends. Yeah, I think I dare it. And Gemma's home too so what can go wrong? 'Guys, my parents are away today until tomorrow. Wanna go to mines after school? We can order pizza or something', I ask. All the boys nods excited. 'Yeah! Sounds nice!', Niall says. 'Uhm, I need to go before dinner but sounds great!', Zayn says. Louis looks worried at him, I give him a weird look. 'I'll explain later', Louis whispers in my ear. 'I wanna go too!', he says after that. 'Alright! Fun! My sister Gemma's home but I hope you don't mind', I say, Niall and Zayn shakes their head. 'Me neither, she seems kind yesterday evening', says Louis. Niall and Zayn looks confused. 'Wait, what? You were at Haz's house?', Niall asks, he grins and gives Louis a dirty look. 'Oh, no! Not like that!', Louis says fast, I feel myself turning red. Zayn and Niall laughs. 'You sure?', Zayn smiles and Niall has the confidence to check my neck for hickeys.

'No lads, we did nothing, Louis helped me with math and brought me home', I laugh and push Niall away. 'Ah, I understand, and you guys sit at his room or something?', Zayn says. 'Lads!', says Louis smiling, his head turned very red. 'Why're you blushing then?', Niall says. Louis shakes his head smiling, the teacher starts the lesson. In the break Louis pulls me to the bathroom. 'About Zayn, he told you about his eating disorder right?', I nod. Zayn has a eating disorder a few months ago and Mr. Payne helped him with that. 'You know, he said before you come he still hates eating in front of other people, but honestly, I think he has a relapse...', I'm a bit shocked. 'A relapse? Do you mean he stopped eating again?', Louis nods. 'Yeah, but he's denying constantly, that's Zayn... he doesn't want us to be worried.' I nod. 'We need to help him.' 'Yeah, but not now, let's finish this school day and then vibe in your house', he smiles. I smile too. 'Yeah.' Then I get a text from Gemma.

Gem <3

Gem <3: Hey Haz! I'm home today, are you gonna invite your friends?

You: Yeah! Is it okay if two of them stay for dinner? We wanna order pizza.

Gem <3: Yeah of course! Who?

You: Louis and Niall stay for dinner, Zayn needs to go before dinner.

Gem <3: Alright! See ya!

You: See ya!

After school the boys and I cycle to my house. 'Welcome, to the Styles house', I say with a dramatic gesture. Louis chuckle. We walk inside, Gemma sits on the couch. 'Hey guys!', she says. 'Hey!', I said back. 'Uhm Gem, this are Niall and Zayn. And you know Louis already', she nods smiling. 'Welcome boys!', she says. 'We're upstairs.' She nods. 'Okay!' I take the boys upstairs to my room. 'O my god! You play guitar?', Niall points at my guitar. 'Uh yeah, not really good but I can play a few songs', I say. 'Nialler, you need to let Harry hear your song!', Zayn says. Louis nods excited. 'Yeah!' 'Uhm, only if Harry is okay with the idea I use his guitar', he looks at me, I nod with a smile. 'Of course! I wanna hear it!', I say. 'Alright, can I sit down on your bed?', he asks. I nod. Niall grabs my guitar gently and sits down on my bed. Louis, Zayn and I sit down on the ground in front of him. 'It's called flicker', he says. Niall starts playing and to my surprise he has a very nice voice.

Dear pain, why is love so hard? ~Larry Stylinson~Where stories live. Discover now