7: ~I gotta get away from here~

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'Harry! You're late for school!', I hear my dad shout. I'm still in bed, I don't have the energy to get out. 'Can't I stay home? I'm not feeling well', I ask. 'Stop making up excuses and come downstairs!', he says, he sounds mad now. I sight and get ready. 'Jesus! Can't you hurry a bit?', he says when I get downstairs after 10 minutes. 'I'm sorry, can you bring me please? Then I'm on time maybe', I say, but dad shakes his head. 'No, then you had to wake up earlier', he says. 'But dad!', I start, but he interrupts me. 'Don't talk back to me and go to school!', he shouts. I sight and walk out of the house. I cycle as fast as I can to school. I almost lost my breath and when I'm perfectly on time in the class I need to grab my inhaler. 'Hey, you're alright?', Louis says when I sit down next to him with my inhaler. I nod. 'Did you cycle too fast?', he asks, his voice's a bit worried. I nod again.

'Harry put that thing away, I want to start the lesson', says miss Johnson. I look a bit helpless at Louis. 'Miss, That's his inhaler, he needs to take that', Louis says. 'Not in my lesson', she says. 'Put that away Harry.' 'Miss, he can't', says Louis. 'Then go out of my lesson!', she says. What? I'm getting sent out for my asthma? What the hell is this? 'Harry, get out!', she says. I grab my stuff and walk with my inhaler out of the room. 'What the hell is this for bullshit!', I hear Louis scream. 'You can't sent him out because he has a asthma attack! That's fucking insane!', he screams. 'Louis, sit down and watch your language or I'll sent you out too', I hear miss Johnson say. 'Fine! I get out!', Louis says, one minute later he stands next to me outside the classroom. 'I'm so sorry for her Harry', Louis says. I put my inhaler back in my bag. 'No, it's okay, why'd you stand up for me though? You didn't have to do that', I say. 'Because I'm your friend, that's what friends do', he hugs me. 'And I wanna make sure you're okay, so are you okay?', he asks. 'Yeah, I'm okay, thanks.' 'What a fucking bitch', Louis mumbles, it makes me chuckle, Louis smiles at me.

'So, what are we gonna do? I'm not going to the director or something', says Louis. 'Yeah, I don't know, we can go to Mr. Payne or something?', I say. Louis nods, I see Mr. Payne walking a few meters away from us. 'Come', says Louis, he grabs me wrist and pulls me with him to Mr. Payne. 'Sir!', Louis says before he walks into a classroom. Mr. Payne sees us and walks towards us. 'Hello guys, aren't you supposed to be in class?', he asks. 'Yeah, but Harry got sent out because he had to take his inhaler and miss Johnson didn't want him to take it in her lesson', Louis says. I see Mr. Payne sight. 'That woman is hopeless', he mumbles. 'And why are you here Louis?', he asks. 'Oh, yeah, er, I stood up for Harry and I maybe said a few curse words', he says. Mr. Payne laughs soft. 'Okay, I'll make sure you guys don't have to stay after school, because that would be really unfair, and you can have a intermediate hour', Mr. Payne says. 'Thank you sir', says Louis. 'Thanks, I appreciate that', I say. 'No problem guys', Mr. Payne says smiling, and he walks away.

'So what we're gonna do now?', I ask. 'We can study for the math test?', Louis says, I sight, fuck, I forgot that. I had a very bad grade last time, so I'm probably gonna fuck this up too. 'Haz?', Louis asks, I shake my head to come back out of my thoughts. 'You okay?', I nod. 'Yeah I'm fine, I just think I'm gonna fuck math up again', I say, Louis out his hand comforting om my arm. 'I'm sure it'll be alright', he pats gently on my arm, I smile. 'Thanks, let's study for a while then.' We have the test next hour, in English class. We sit down in the cafeteria and start to study. When we're 10 minutes studying I sight, I don't understand a single shit of this. 'You don't understand it do you?', Louis asks with a crooked smile. I shake my head. 'Nope, I might as well not study, it's useless anyway', I sight again, Louis moves his chair next to me. 'Let's look if I can help you Styles', he says. He starts to explain some things. When he's done I get some things a bit better but I still don't think it's turning out good.

'Fucking hell', I mumble soft when I have the test for me, this is hopeless. I look at the exercises but I can't make anything up of it. I start to panic a bit. What will my parents say when they find out how I stand for math? Math is always so important to them, I'm going to get killed. My hands start to shake, I need to take a deep breath to calm down a bit. 30 minutes later most of the class is done, but I'm still sitting here with a half blanc paper, I'm done with it. I give my paper to the teacher and walk out of the classroom. I walk into the bathroom and rest my head against the wall, my eyes start to tear up. 'Hey', I hear, I open my eyes and see Louis. 'Hey', I say, my voice's wobbly. 'What's wrong?', he asks, a tear escapes out the corner of my eye. 'I fucked it up', I say, my voice breaks. I try to take a deep breath. Louis notices my shaking hands. 'Hey, hey, hey, calm down', he says, he grabs them. 'It's okay, there's no need to panic', he says. 'Sorry', I mumble, my sight is blurry of the tears. 'Come here', Louis says, he wraps his arms around me. 'It's okay.'

Dear pain, why is love so hard? ~Larry Stylinson~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें