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{James Henderson Pov}

Ugh. My head why did I go out and party last night. Oh I know because it was my stupid fucking birthday, I don't like my birthday but my friends, the great friends they are decided it was a great time to throw a party for me. It was fun don't get me wrong but I just hate having a hangover and now I have to get to  morning skate. I threw on a shirt and shorts, grabbed my bag and I was out of my apartment I had enough time to grab a coffee so I did.
As I was walking back to my car to get to the rink before my coach kicks my ass for being late, I was about to get into my car when all of a sudden I get rammed into spilling my coffee a little bit on my shirt just my luck, I look down and I see a girl, she mumbles something but I couldn't make it out me. I tried to ask her if she was okay but the next thing I knew she was gone I tried to yell for her but she kept running, what a bitch.
I would have run after her but I was going to be late and I can't be late. She was hot from what I could see, she was blonde and short. Wait, I should be angry right now, she ruined my shirt and didn't even say sorry.

"Yo! Big shots"
But she's so pretty, wait I can't be focused on her anymore. She is just a random girl, you probably won't even see you again.
And that's what knocked me out of my head, I looked up and saw I was at the rink. Wow, was I in my head for that long? I get out of my car and grab my hockey bag from the back.
"Yo dude what's up with you today" my best friend said to me. He was the best, we have played hockey together all our lives
"I don't know Wyatt, the weirdest thing just happened to me," I said
" Does this weirdest thing explain the coffee stain on your shirt?" he said with a laugh
"Yes, yes it does but I'll tell you later"
We walked into the locker room got changed and hit the ice.
After a good two hours of practice, the coach talked with us and told us everything that was going to happen this season and how amazing we were going to skate this season with his new idea.
" All right guys, this has been a good practice, but starting tomorrow, you guys are going to be working with the dance academy"
"What?!?" The whole team said in unison
"You boys are doing great but you need more balance so you guys are going to be rehearsing with the elite ballet team, and you're going to be nice and no horsing around in there I don't want to hear anything from anyone got it"
"yes coach," everyone said
"Good, you guys are dismissed, get you're asses off the ice."

Why us, we are a D1 team and I'm the all-star hockey player the captain of the team and it's only my sophomore year, so why do I have to go and take a fucking ballet class. I already can't dance, how I'm going to survive this ballet one of the hardest skills to master.

"This just sucks," Milo said taking off his jersey. Milo is one of my closest friends but he has been through hell and back, and still manages to have a smile on his face every day.
"Hey it can't be that bad" Lucis adds in
" It's bad," Wyatt said adding to the conversation
Okay here we go I'm going to regret this but I have to do it.
"Boy I know this is not going to be the greatest thing in the world but we have to do it and I agree with a coach even though we are the best college hockey team in the States we need that to stick with it yeah, some of us don't need this and yeah some of us do," I said looking at Elliot who's always falling down
"HEY!" He said making all of us laugh
"But boy we got this it can't be that hard and there's going to be a lot of hot girls"
We all left the locker room and went our separate ways. I head back to my apartment which I shared with Wyatt, Milo, Lucis, and Elliot. Not to be cocky, but we guys just us five are like the best on the team, we know each other well. We all grew up together and played hockey together well except Elliot. He joined the team last year and became a part of our group quickly. I got back grabbed something to eat and just chilled before I had to go to my classes for the day.


What do we think about the boys?

Word count-846

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