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As Elliot was driving us home from morning skate, I texted Harper saying that me and Wyatt were coming over. I'm pretty sure that Wyatt already texted Scarlett but you can never be too careful right?
We try to convince Milo and Elliot to come with us because I know for a fact that they both have a thing for Blake and Quincy but they keep trying to deny it. Lucas is already at the Charlotte dorm. That's probably why he drove his car this morning. I never told him what happened between me and Charlotte and I'm not going to, there is no way that I will be the responsible one for ruining their relationship, Charlotte can do that all on her own, besides, she was drunk she wasn't thinking straight.
We finally made it to our apartment. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and went to unlock the door, but the door was already open a bit. We always lock our door.
"Did one of you guys leave the door open by chance?"I said,
"No I locked it and made sure it was closed like I always do," Milo said
we live in one of the safest apartment buildings in New York. There can't be any way someone just broke in
"Are you sure you shut the door Milo?" I said getting a tad bit frustrated
"YESSS" Milo said getting a little mad.
"OK OK, I'm sorry, calm your tits," I said with a little laugh
"So what should we do?" Wyatt said
"I don't know call the cops" Elliot said
"no, we can't do that," Milo said trying to end the conversation. We stay silent outside of our apartment door probably looking like maniacs right now. Then we all look at each other like we all have a plan.
I would say, as four could easily take down whoever is in the apartment right now but we took out our skates just in case, you never know, and besides safety measures are important.
We carefully open the door trying to be as quiet as we can. The smell of homemade food circles the air.
We carefully drop the hockey bag in front of the front door I swear I feel like I'm in a Men in Black movie.
Then I saw her and all her glory I let out the breath that I didn't realize I was holding it.
"Hello boys," Scarlett said with a smirk on her face with a little bit of a British accent. "How did you guys get in here?" Elliot said as we dropped our skates to the floor seeing that theres no threat around.
"We were broke in," Blake said
"No, they didn't. I gave Scarlet a key" Wyatt said out of nowhere
"You did what!" I said I wasn't mad. It just would've been nice to know and to let the boys know too.
"I told you this" Wyatt said, trying to hold up his defense
"No, you didn't," I said going on
"Oh well I guess it must have slipped my mind, I thought I told you," Wyatt said
"yeah you must have," I said with a joking tone
"come on guys stop fighting, it's just a key and the food is getting cold," Harper said getting up from the couch and walking over to the table. I mean I couldn't argue with her and I was starving. Good thing I took a shower at the rink. Wouldn't want to be smelly for the queen now, would we.

Word count: 597

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