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Today is the day the day of my so-called debut at least that's what James says. I'm currently backstage getting ready for probably one of the biggest performances I've ever done yet. I texted James real quick because I knew he had a game today wishing him good luck we both had planned to meet up at his apartment after my performance and his game,
"OK, girls 10 minutes until the curtain opens." The backstage manager said
My first number is ballet so I put on my pointe shoes and start heading to the wings. We're doing a piece from Swan Lake called Siegfried and the Swans. I walk on stage getting into my starting position Taylor, Scarlet, Blake, and Quincy are all right next to me in the same position as me.
"good luck girls, you guys got this" whispered Blake
"Blake I think that's the nicest thing you ever said, we are all so proud of you," Quincy said back
We all giggled quietly I saw the stage curtains start to open and I let out a big breath "It's Showtime" I whispered mostly talking to myself now the nerves kicked in I always get nervous before I start performing I don't know why. I always feel like I'm never good enough, but not sound petty, but I am good enough I just get nervous for no reason but those nerves they always vanish the moment the curtains are fully open and the pitch black that I see turns into light as all the spotlights hit each one of us. The music turns on, and I let the music control my body as I twirl in this memorizing dance, my movements, feel fluid and effortless, but deep down I'm in so much pain as the music plays, and I see my feathers, on my tutu glisten in the light, creating a magical scene, I can't help but feel, when dancing I'm like  a poem each movement a verse, every leap is a stanza. I twirl and spin in perfect harmony with the music as my body sways with the rhythm. I love each dip I take I'm creating a beautiful story in ones eyes. Feeling like I am a principal dancer in my real production of Swan Lake. As the music slowly fades away, and the dance comes to the end my body jerks back into reality I step to the front of the stage hand-in-hand with Scarlet and Blake as we all gracefully take our bow then I see him in the front row. Why is he here, he has a game and it's going on right now. I walk off stage, thinking I'm just going crazy, immediately going into a group hug with my best friends.
"Did you see the whole hockey team is here" Taylor said so I wasn't going crazy "Yeah but why are they here? Didn't they have a game tonight?" I said, as we all let go out of the hug "Girl, you need to start checking the school news because that game is canceled tonight. It was announced three weeks ago." Blake said "Oh well my bad sorry I've been busy now we are seeing this killer scene, we just performed," I said with a little bit of an attitude, the show is done and I'm exhausted but it's fine I was in seven of the 15 numbers that were put on it put on I pack my stuff and Blake Taylor, Scarlet and Quincy are all waiting for me at the door at the dressing room. "I'm coming I'm coming," I said to them "We didn't say anything." Taylor said "I can see in your faces" I said, "OK you weirdo let's go before we get locked into this dressing room." Scarlett said as we all laughed, and she was taking my arm, we walked out of the dressing room and into the front lobby and I wish I was joking, but James Wyatt, Milo, Elliott, and Lucas were all standing in a group talking to each other with flowers in their hand, they waited this long I with James he has a big smile on his face as he walks up to me you " you, Harper Richards are a goddess" he said as he hugs me. "Oh, really," I said, letting go of the hug and kissing him on the cheek. "Mm," he says as I take my hand into his we all walk out of the building heading to our cars. We all decided to go to the boy's apartment because it's a lot bigger than mine and we ordered pizza and had a little party probably one of the best nights ever.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 12 ⏰

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