surprise, surprise | David x Angel

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CW 16+

"Heeyy Daaa~aavey" Angel said over the phone. David couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the way his mate said his name. "Hello, Angel. How you doing?" He asks. "I'm doing miserably. I've been deprived of my boyfriend's love and touches and cuddles for almost two weeks now. Oh, how am I to survive this adversity?" They sigh dramatically, making David laugh. "Don't be melodramatic, Angel. I promise, I'll make it all worth it when you get home." "I know, I'm just really missing you" "I know, baby. I really miss you too. But you're coming home this weekend, right? That'll get here before you know it" David consoles.

It's only Wednesday.

Angel sighs wearily at the thought that they'll be away from David for two more days. "I know. I just really want to be with you. I just miss you so much, Davey." They say, tearing up a little bit. "Aw, Angel, don't cry. How about I fly over there?" David asks. "No, it's okay.." Angel tries to stop themselves from crying and the temptation of from David's proposition. "I'll just catch the earliest flight on Friday. I know you're very busy too." They reasoned. "Alright. We'll see each other soon" David reassures. "Oh, speaking of seeing each other, did you see the little video I sent?" David blushes at his mate's inquiry. "Angel, you know I'm in the office right now" he says trying his best to mask his embarrassment with grumpiness. "Whaaat? I'm just asking if you got a chance to see it." Angel teases. "Yes, I did. I...saw it." "Aaand?" Angel further probes. "And what?" David grunts. "I'm asking if you liked it, you know, like, like it" Angel pries, making David let out an exasperated sigh "Oh my god. Yes. I liked it. I liked it very much" he tries his best not blush but he couldn't help it. "So? What else did you do besides liking it?" Angel again teased. "Angel, I told you, I'm at work, I can't talk like that"...

Just then, Asher passed by David's door and may have overheard him seeing as he just closed the door of David's office all while saying 'have fun big guy' with a wide grin plastered on his face. "Asher, no, don-" David tried to stop him but it was too late...that, or Asher pretend he didn't hear him.


The second David woke up, he checked his phone and as expected, Angel yet again left a 'good morning' voicemail, as they've done every day since they've been away: '

Good morning hot stuff. Bad news, we'll be crunching it today at work because everybody's dying to go home, so, I won't be able to text or call. But I'm willing to pay that if the price is getting home to you tomorrow night. so, yeah. Oh, feel free to drop a voicemail though. I'll see you tomorrow night. Have a great day! Love you, Daveeey!

He couldn't help but smile at the sound of his mate's voice greeting him this early in the morning, or maybe it's the anticipation of them getting home that's making him smile like an idiot. 'I love you, too, Angel' he whispered under his breath; holding his phone close to his chest.

The Next Day...

David again fumbles for his phone in the morning for that much-anticipated voicemail. 'Huh. No voicemail this time''. He thought to himself. He shrugged it off and just sent a voicemail to Angel instead. 'Morning, Angel. I'm guessing you made the choice to sleep-in on the last day of your business trip?  He chuckles. I hope your boss lets you go home tonight after all. Anyway, call me when you're awake, okay? Love you, Angel. I'll see you tonight.

Hours passed by and David kept checking his phone for any reply from his mate, but there was none.

"Angel, you're not still sleeping, are you?"

"I'm making your favorite dinner tonight."

Angel is still yet to reply. But there was no worry in David's mind as they were proven to have always done this when they're coming home from a long trip because they strongly believe in "distance makes the heart grow fonder"

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