Chapter Five: I surprised Yushiro (and he hates it)

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((authors note: I'm listening to Below the Surface by Griffinilla as I write this- lmao it fits the mood-))

A few hours later, Yushiro woke up, his mind cloudy from sleep. He stared at the wall, then looked down at Hayami, who was still fast asleep. Her head was laying to the side, and her breathing was slow, even, and calm. Not the kind of thing you'd expect from a slayer, no matter how naive they are...

'does she realize I can kill her?' Yushiro frowned at Hayami. 'She should know better than to let her guard down around a demon, no matter who it is... Idiot girl.' he narrowed his eyes, and Hayami let out a small sigh, making a small sound as she did so. Yushiro rolled his eyes. 'I wonder how she's survived this long...' he thought, looking back at the wall. He thought of all the things he wished he could do to her as payback for this, all the awful, cruel things he could do if he so wanted to...

Alas, he couldn't do anything. This girl, even if she was fairly useless, was going to be good for something, he could feel it. A little later, Hayami woke up, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Oh, you're awake..." Yushiro looked at her as she lifted her head and looked at him. After a minute, her eyes went wide and she sat up, cheeks going pinkish.

"Yushiro...? Why- What...?" She asked sleepily. Yushiro raised an eyebrow slightly.

"You fell asleep on me, after you had a nightmare. Remember?" He gave her a look, and she blinked, thinking for a minute before a look of realization came onto her face.

"Oh yeah, sorry... I-I didn't mean to..." She said softly. Yushiro rolled his eyes.

"It's fine." He sighed. "I didn't mind it, don't worry your pretty little head about it." He flicked her head, and she looked at him and then laughed a little.

"Still, I'm sorry. Thanks though, for helping me." She said, smiling. "You're really a great friend, Yushi!" She closed her eyes, and Yushiro rolled his eyes again.

"It's what anybody who has a brain would do, don't think too much about it..." He said sarcastically, standing up and stretching. Hayami looked at him, eyebrows slightly raised.

"...Okay, what's the look for? You have something to say to me?" Yushiro asked, crossing his arms. Hayami smiled, then shook her head.

"Just a thought." She said, standing up as well, yawning. "I'm bored. Let's do something fun. How about a duel? Or a walk???" She suggested. Yushiro blinked, then shrugged.

"Sure, a duel would be interesting... We can go on a walk after." Yushiro replied.

"Yeah, let's see if I would actually be able to stand a chance against someone as powerful as you..." Hayami chuckled, nudging him playfully.

"As if! Let's see what you got, I bet you won't be able to lay a finger on me." Yushiro scoffed, a slight smile on his face. "Remember, I'm an upper moon. You're just a slayer. I'll go easy on you..." He said, as the two of them headed into the training room. Hayami tied her hair back, laughing a little.

"Thank you, and yes I know. I didn't forget, don't worry. Only rule I have is, don't kill me." Hayami picked up a wooden sword, preparing herself for Yushiro to attack her.

"Sounds good to me..." He said, nodding and then disappearing. Hayami blinked and looked around, confused.

"Hey-! No fair!" She said, spinning slowly on the spot. "You cheater!"

"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞..." Yushiro X OC Fic (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now