Chapter 6: Ever had to fight another version of yourself?

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((Also chloe nO SPOILERS- ))

((*cough* Yushiro simps are gonna go wild with this-))

Yushiro spent all day waiting in the cave, bored out of his mind. His mad mood faded after a few hours, and although he would never admit it, he kinda missed Hayami. He hadn't really been alone in what, two months, maybe three? And he actually enjoyed her company, when she wasn't doing dumb things at least. As the sun went down, he remained in the back of the cave, just laying down and waiting for the sun to set completely, so he could go outside and go get Hayami.

'come back already, stupid...' he thought, sighing. The sun has gone down, and Hayami still wasn't back. 'she probably forgot... I swear, that girl is gonna get stabbed and bleed out and I won't know where she is. If that happens I'm gonna laugh at her, cause it's just so stupid...' he snickered, then looked over to the enterence of the cave. He heard somebody coming, but who? Hopefully Hayami...

"Yushiro? Are you still here?" Hayami's voice called.

"What do you think?" Yushiro asked, watching as she stopped outside the cave and looked around, turning at the sound of his voice. She squinted, but then smiled when she finally saw him.

"Oh! Hey Yushi! Are you feeling better? I got you something while I was in town!" She said, holding a small leather pouch out to him as he came out of the cave. Yushiro looked at it, then took it and looked inside.

Inside the pouch was a chain, and attached to the chain was a piece of quartz, with a silver dragon wrapped around it as if it was guarding the crystal itself. The dragon had so many intricate details, and upon closer inspection, the eyes had tiny purple crystals inside them.

Kinda like Yushiro's eyes.

"I saw this while I was in town, and I thought of you! Cause you're fierce and strong like a dragon, and pretty powerful too! And the eyes have pieces of amethyst, so they look like your eyes! Do you like it?" Hayami asked. Yushiro looked at her, unsure of what to say. To him, it was just another necklace after all. Just another trinket.

But the way she looked at him... The excitement in her eyes and body, he couldn't help but smile at her.

"This... This is really thoughtful of you. Thank you, Hayami." Yushiro said, putting the necklace on.

'it won't hurt to wear it... After all, if I do this, she's bound to help me more... This will be a good thing in the end, I'm glad I found this girl. She may be key in gaining Master's goal of bringing down the Corps.' He thought. Hayami watched him put it on, smiling.

'he seems like he likes it! I'm so glad, he was in a really bad mood earlier. I hope this makes him feel better!!!' she thought.

"I'm really glad you like it! Now come on Yushi, let's go befriend that mimic demon!" She said excitedly. Yushiro looked at her, then sighed.

"You mean kill him?"

"No! Befriend him!"

"...He's gonna kill you."

"No he won't!"

"MISTSUKO, he's a DEMON. Yes he will." Yushiro pinched the bridge of his nose, and Hayami stuck her tongue out.

"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞..." Yushiro X OC Fic (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now