Chapter Eight, Kazuho gives Yushiro some much needed advice on women.

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Who is kazuho you ask? Well,

You really think i'm gonna tell you? HAH! No way, you have to read. Chloe no spoilers.

Also this chapter has some, uHm, sexual innuendos (I think that's the word) and jokes but no smutty smut smut, just wanted to let you know ^v^

Now on to the fic✨✨✨))

Yushiro had imagined this night as going a million different ways. He always had a plan for anything that could happen, no matter how unpredictable.

Or, he thought he did.

'where... Where the hell did I go wrong?' he thought, sitting down. Hayami was sitting behind him, braiding his hair and enjoying it. 'This week was going so well. I got blood from master, I got praised, this girl made food, and now... I'm being treated like a child's doll.' he sighed heavily. 
Two days ago, he had eaten food and Muzan had come and given him another dose of blood. His hair grew longer and the cracks spread a tiny bit, but other than that he looked the same.

After that had happened, Hayami had run into the room and helped him up from the floor, making sure he was alright as per usual.

"Hey, did your hair get longer?" She had asked him. When he nodded, she grinned.

"You can... You can have a man bun now." She had snickered.

That was the first warning sign.

The second warning sign was when she and him were eating, and she asked him about his hair. 

"Do you ever brush it? Or wash it? It doesn't seem to get tangled, is that just a demon thing?" She had asked. Yushiro took a sip of tea and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Just because you don't see me brush and wash it, doesn't mean I don't do it..." he said cooly, looking at her and raising an eyebrow. "Why are you asking me this?"

"No reason." She said, a sneaky smile on her face as she looked away. Yushiro narrowed his eyes at her, but ignored her and finished his tea. 

Then, on the third day, she came into his room with breakfast and as he was eating, finally asked the question she had been wanting to ask the whole time.

"Hey, Yushiro...?" She asked. Yushiro looked at her, mouth full of food. 

"Mmph, yuah?" He asked, putting a hand over his mouth. "Whus up?"

"Can I... Can I please... Do your hair?" She asked, bowing her head and putting her hands up. Yushiro, who wasn't expecting this, choked on his food as he swallowed it, coughing and sputtering. 

"Wha- Hell no!" He snapped, his cheeks going slightly red from embarrassment. 

"Awww! Come on! Pleaaaase?" Hayami looked at him, her big blue eyes wide and giving him a pleading look. 

"No! I said no! No way, I'm not letting you touch my hair!" Yushiro glared at her. "No way am I ever gonna let you do it, you'll mess it up!" 

"But- But Yushiroooooooo!" Hayami whined. "Please??? I made you food! And mended and washed your clothes! AND cleaned the kitchen! So pleaaaaase?" She begged. 

"No, little housewife." Yushiro scoffed, rolling his eyes. "And you didn't clean the kitchen, you always forget to wash that one pan and then I have to wash it for you." He took a sip of his tea as Hayami looked at him, offended.

"I get distracted easily! And that pot takes a while to cool down! You can't blame me!" She huffed. 

"Sure I can." Yushiro took another sip of his tea. "I'm older, and much stronger."

"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞..." Yushiro X OC Fic (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now