7: Steel Exterior

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Author Note: Today is actually my birthday and I decided to gift myself with the joy of posting this chapter today, instead of in a couple days like I had originally planned. Enjoy!

"You're so sensitive
I am, I am a machine..."

-"Twenty-Twenty Surgery", Taking Back Sunday


It's Friday and I've managed to avoid Camila since I saw her a few days ago

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It's Friday and I've managed to avoid Camila since I saw her a few days ago. Until now.

All I wanted to do was pick up a couple tapes with some of the money I made over the weekend but of course now I'm ducking behind a wall of vinyl records like the mature adult that I am.

"I see you Eddie."

Shit. She found me. I was doing so well...

"Are you really just going to ignore me?" Maybe if I just say hi she'll go away.

"No, sorry. I'm just in a hurry," I lie, not well at all either. I grab a record off the shelf and step around her.

"You're in a hurry to buy a Wham! album?" I can tell from her furrowed eyebrows she isn't buying one bit of what I'm trying to sell. I probably should have looked at the record before grabbing it. Shit. Hopefully she doesn't remember that I don't even have a record player.

"...You don't have record player," She says, connecting the little dots in her mind and obviously reading mine.

If you're listening Camila...I'm not trying to be an asshole. I'm doing this for your own good and I promise I only thought about you naked once after I dropped you off the other day. Fuck. Wait. That was a lie. It's was more like —

"Are you going to pay for it...?" Camila chirps. I snap out of my haze, my fear that she has mind reading abilities only marginally softened. She's clearly a sorceress from a far away land. A far away land called Los Angeles...

"Fine. I can take a hint. See you around, kid." Camila turns on her toes in one quick swoop and walks away. I throw the record on a random shelf and storm after her.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a dick," I say just loud enough to grab her attention. It works and she freezes.

"Why are you ignoring me?" With a pop of her hip Camila readies herself for battle, against me, apparently.

"I'm not ignoring you," I fire my first shot. It's a total miss and just an all around flat out lie.

"Then what do you call standing there with a stupid look on your face while refusing to answer me?" Well damn. She's got me there.

"I call it me not wanting to talk to you." I know this lands as a critical hit when Camila looks at me like I just slapped her across the face. Her beautiful brown eyes fill with tears she's fighting like hell to keep in. Son of a bitch.

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