Act I - The Founders: Chapter One

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Immaculate Conception

Before she was a grandmother she was a mother and before she was a mother she was a wild child. Grandma Tee in her younger days was completely different to the woman she is today. She was young when she had my mother, even younger when she married my grandpapa. Grandpapa likes to travel a lot so it was a surprise when grandma got pregnant when grandpapa was halfway across the world. Grandma may have been a wild child but she wasn't a cheater, she stooped low but never that low.

Soon there were little feet running around the house, a little girl who was named JJ (Come out looking real lightskinned unlike her mother...don't know how). Tee had been blessed with a miracle (Or so she says). JJ had liven the house with her little giggles and her annoying cartoons playing on the tv whole day (I wonder what the electricity bill look like) Tee was lucky to have married a rich man which means she didn't have to deal with GPL cutting off her lights every second cause she got a nice big juicy voluptuous generator. She also got a nice house and a big fancy benz and she inherited a nice piece a land which everyone been fighting over for years (the land small bad bad)

Granny had many hobbies, she dabbled in terrorism, being a war hero, being a drug dealer, gambling, making drugs too, she was the Walter White we never got to see, she also dabbled in many other activities which cannot be listed cause digital footprint exists.

In other words Granny was a savage, if she tried she could take over the world. She also has ties to the Russian mob, which is kinda intimidating when you think long and hard about why people you despise disappear after a while.

There's one thing you never do and that's insult her cooking (like that big forehead girl did) Granny's food is the most comforting in the world, she even made corilla taste good..she isn't the best baker though but thats fine, that's why the chiney corner shop exists, to buy the sweets (and the mince meat)

At the end of the day granny Tee is the best granny in the world and we love her cause she's the best and she fills the void my dead grandma left. 

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