Act I - The Founders: Chapter Two

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You done know JJ was spoiled in her youth (no she wasn't she just gaslights herself into thinking that) JJ grew up with Tee as her mother which means she grew up well behaved and whatnot (she's a mini version of young Tee and has multiple wives and a child)

JJ has 2 wives i think (could be more) Except ones cheating on her and she's divorced but not at the same time with the moms relationships does hurt my head up. My lovely mommy had me with my other mommy who says she's my whole family too like how is it possible she's my mom, dad, uncle, aunt, brother, sister etc at the same time too. It doesn't but i just roll with it, but like i was saying my mom had me with Alyssa (i think, idk who my other mom is rlly) But she was with Leah at the same time but Leah was also with Grace too, but Alyassa was with JJ but JJ was with Mari (its a rumor i don't remember) Basically we know JJ's my mom for sure, she doesn't feed me or nothing but thats fine (its not I'm hug deprived and she doesn't help my mommy issues)

Like granny Tee she somehow has ties to some Italian mob even though she isn't italian, but the good thing is she's rich too, which means nobody in this family does deal with GPL cutting off we lights, like we got a nice gate rich, the gate does protect we from the Jehovah witness too.

She makes the best pastries though...and it makes up for all the times she disinherited and disowned me and if i had a dollar every time she did that id be rich..well in my case richer. 

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