Act II - The Offsprings: Chapter One

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I don't actually know who the father of my children are, most of them are adopted like Breanna, I adopted her from a nice orphanage which was burnt down, I remember that day as if it was yesterday.


The sky was all gloomy and dull but that did stop Sam from going to the orphanage instead it encouraged her.

It took all her will power to not adopt all the children in there, but one got her attention, a little girl playing with matches, she cant be older than a one year old, and so she chose her.

Sam was walking back to her smexyy benz with Bre in her arms, but stopped when she heard an explosion, when she turned around she was the orphanage go up in flames, a little blackie- I mean a little girl no older 4 years old was smiling holding a bottle of kerosine and a box of matches, you'd expect Bre to be crying but no she was giggling and smiling too as she heard the screams of everyone inside slowly burning to death.

When the orphanage burnt down Sam spotted someone at the back of the burnt down orphanage it was her older sister Carls, and she was making..cocaine? Sam just ignored it and got everyone in the car including the little blackie whos name is Janice

"Carls? Did you encourage the black child to burn the place down" was the first thing Sam said to her sister as she got her in the car. Of course Carls denied that accusation "Noooo" Carls said her words trailing off as she opened her phone and started to read her BL. "Well at least tell me if you were making cocaine again, and don't lie I saw you behind the orphanage making it..again." Sam said, already irritated with her sister's antics again. "It wasn't cocaine this time I swear, it was pixie dust, I promised the nuns i would stop selling the cocaine" Carls replied looking up from her phone, at this point Samera had forgotten about the two kids in her backseat. "Why were you selling it in the first place?" Sam said curiously reaching for the bag of supposed pixie dust and snorting some as she drove (I'm a great driver don't worry, I've never crashed my car unlike someone *side eyes carls*) "Well cocaine was highly demanded from the younger ones and I'm like why not I need the money anyway, and on the plus side they didn't notice the difference and i charged extra because I said it was a special batch, if anything I made at least 40 grand selling pixie dust." If theres one thing Carls loves more than $20 is the Granger money.

The car was silent for the rest of the drive, Sam had ultimately given up on her sister again and let her be. Both of them had also forgotten the children were there so when they got home, they both headed inside leaving the children in the car. 

"I think I've been kidnapped.." Janice said as she watched Sam slam the car door leaving her inside with a little baby. Eventually (2 hours later) Sam remembered the kids and brought them inside, I'm sure Janice was so close to eating Bre like she was fried chicken.


Ahh how I love my kids, they're so precious to me, I'd never harm or leave them alone to rot in a hot car for a whole 2 hours. 


I don't think people actually read this book but like if you actually do let me say something, the chapters are longer in act III and have dialogue the first two acts are basically summaries 

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