Act I - The Founders: Chapter Three

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Y'know my grandma likes to say she was blessed with me, gifted with my mother, then she had my sister and was diagnosed with her grandchildren and great grandchildren. My mom was also blessed with me, I'm basically her and my grandma but crazier and blacker. I've basically adopted a bunch of children and my grandma disowned them all because its too much money to buy all them gifts and how she ain't got money for all that (her bills and receipts say other wise)

Like my mother and grandmother i also dabble in terrorism and arson and other war crimes and whatnot (theres a bounty out on my head for

$50 MIllion) Unlike them though, I was never a war hero or hero or whatnot, if you count me killing Hitler as me being a hero then sure I'm one.

I have a dad too, my father Jessiah (a black jew, he ain't even all that black so we call him white) cures my daddy issues, he also provides me with multiple uncles and grandmas. Fun fact i stole his wife from him, my wife who was my mom then wife again, yep I made my mom my wife, its not that fucked up if you think about it.

I have like 40 something kids and I don't remember half of there names nor whom they are and all of them are older than me. 

Anywho my uncle morty and uncle major taught me to make bombs and helped me carry out 9/11 at the ripe age of 4, me and uncle major tried battery acid that day too, would not recommend that. My uncle mortimer stole my barbie bike though, he was just jealous I had that barbie drip.

My grandma's are Seriah and Anna but I love grandma Seriah more cause I talk to her mostly but shes the best and like she acts just like my father too so thats amazing the only difference is that shes emotionally available. I have a great grandma whos name is Cece and she almost died in front my eyes but thats a story for later. (Im high asf or so my family claims)

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