Act I - The Founders: Chapter Seven

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My favourite and only black jew i know is also the most vile creature known to man whose also my father. Like this emotionally unavailable but emotionally available person is my father and i actually kinda like him like were the best father/daughter duo and you cant tell me other wise.

We have the most bitter sweet moments, like me asking him for pickles and him thinking I'm talking about a dick...the best moments with dad or the time i asked him to wrap it up in fruit roll ups or the time i said "let me spoil you bbg" and he said "WHERES THE ALIs?" like hes so sweet to me or the one time we was watching super mario bros and the scene with the monkey where his father told him hes amazing and I said i wish my father would tell me amazing and then uncle major looked at him and my dad said "Daughter you are superb" such an amazing father but the only thing is that i can call him anything but daddy, at least hes still my dad tho.

This man took me to the front lines the day i was born and then i didn't see him for 11 years of my life, like he said okay its take your daughter to work day and he took me only to abandon me but he came back with the milk so no worries guys. (He hasn't taken me back to take your daughter to work day, i think he has another daughter) 

One thing bout my faddah is that he broke skunt. No money nothing, I gotta rely on my moms for that like come one dude aint you supposed to be the man of the house but then again, you aint even know half of the other family.  Honestly this man has the guns everywhere in the house but the safe like im pretty sure one of my kids shot themself by accident, there alive....I think. 

But uh i dont trust my dad to watch my kids anyway, guns or not cause hes on the run from the C.I.A and FBI and the taliban (dont ask), NSA too, all official and off the book agencies too, I think my dad taught me to waterboard or was it granny tee, ion know. 

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