one. merlin

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001.    merlin


MERLIN APPROACHED THE CITY OF CAMELOT with a bright grin on his face. For he would begin his life here. He walked past carts and stalls on his way to his destination. He entered the guarded gates as a crowd had now formed in the center of the courtyard.

From above, a young girl watched from the window. And from her view, another girl, from bellow, had the same expression on her face. Truly, Theodora was disgusted in the King's action's towards magic and sorcerers. She looked up at Morgana, giving her a small smile as she knew that the executions get to her.

The guards had brought a man out from the dungeons.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all," The voice of Uther Pendragon, King of Camelot, stood tall up front on the balcony. "This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic."

Merlin held in his breathe. He knew about the laws against magic in Camelot. And he wasn't very keen on that part of Camelot as any mistake he makes, he'll be in Thomas's shoes next.

Meanwhile, from the side, Theodora sighed. She had lived in Camelot for two years but that still didn't help the fact that she could be up there next. But for now, Thomas was and, once again, Uther will take pride in it.

"And pursuant of the laws of Camelot ,I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just King."

A loud scoff was heard. Merlin turned his head, to see a light-brunette girl leaning against one of the walls. He looked at her for a while, thinking that he knew her, but once stopped when she looked back at him, tilting her head slightly.

Teddy could sniff a sorcerer from a mile away and when she locked eyes with some boy, she knew it was him. The fear in his eyes had said it all.

"But for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass."

The crowd looked at the man, watching the guards force him down on his knees. The Executioner walked quickly, raising his axe, waiting for the King's orders.

Teddy looked up at Lady Morgana, the girl gestured her to look away, as Teddy turned back around to see Uther raise his hand and bring it down, in sync with the axe.

Uther nodded. "When I came to this land. This Kingdom was mired in chaos but with the people's help, magic was driven from the realm. So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the Great Dragon was captured, and Camelot was freed from the evil of sorcery."

He raised his arms, expecting cheering, but none came. "Let the celebrations begin."

Teddy rolled her eyes. "I'll celebrate when you die." She muttered to herself before beginning to walk back to her chambers when a wail echoed of the walls.

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