After a strange gust

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It was like a gust of wind had swooped me up and sent me through several walls but with me being transparent and eyes closed. My hair feels wet and so does my good white socks. I shift my bangs to the right hand side. I observe my surroundings seeing there is a brown floor with some pebbles here and there. There is a gray rail alongside staircase set beside a wall leading up the higher floor. There is clock like gears moving in harmony around the room ticking grumbling sounds. I turn away from the staircase feeling unsure whether to go up and face a probably scary creature.

Go figure for watching SyFy too much.

Straight ahead I see a big glass item over a large stone that has a color reminding me of sand (and one of those rocks put into the pyramid in the movie 'The Fifth Element') somehow prevented from falling apart. The shielded rock is on a brown table that has two legs attached below. I walk towards the glass covered rock until I am face to face but separated by glass.

"Hello," The rock spoke.

Well it doesn't have a mouth and the voice sounded like it came from some where relatively close to me so the rock is the culprit.

"Uh,hi," I said.

"Who brought you here?" The rock asks.

"Nobody," I said.

I had a feeling I shouldn't be here and should go up the stairs. The gut feeling told me the exit way home is above my head about one level.

"Hmm..." The rock said. "You had to be sent here by someone...One does not randomly get transported to my grim binds."

"That can happen," I said. "Being randomly transported somewhere."

"Hm?" The rock said.

"I am from Earth," I said.

"The realm of the mortals," The rock said.

"...Mortals?" I said. "This is the second time I have heard it and I don't know what it means."

"It means like a god but not superhuman," The rock said. "Your realm is known as Midgard to the gods."

"Ooh," I said. "I get it!"

"And the Asgardians here do not visit your realm a lot," The rock said.

I stare back at the rock.

"Are you pulling my leg?" I ask.

"No," The rock said. "So whatever you mention from your realm is alien to them."

"Give me an example of alien," I said, my arms folded.

"Laufeyson," The rock said.

"Huh?" I said. "What is that?"

"Son of Laufey," The rock said. "Now tell me something that most mortals know."

"Fan Fiction," I said, unfolding my arms.

"Gods do not know what fanfiction is," The rock said. Ah primus now I feel guilty about telling the tall man that thing, slag it. "I can help you getting home much quicker if you help me out of this entrapment."

"How?" I ask.

"Put your hands on the glass," The rock said.

My conscious cried 'No! Don't trust him!' and my other conscious argued 'Do it! We have a story to get back on!'. Against my better judgement I put my hands on the glass feeling something powerful channel through. It is not everyday you feel something kind of the Allspark except it doesn't affect the human half it only affects the cybertronian part. The glass is trembling, breaking, and cracking bit by bit.

"Man," I said. "This is one fragile piece of glass."

"You are going on a little detour," The rock said. "And helping me requires a little adjustments."

I look over seeing someone dark but in bright golden armor coming down the stairs with my hands stuck to the glass. Strong hot heat radiates off the glass taking my attention back. Cracks spread to on my skin yet they were not so gory but like dark etchings of a drawing spreading on the contrastingly white paper. I just made a terrible mistake.

My last thought before the explosion let loose was; that no good lame criminal set me up to fall.

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